Violin Lessons by tonestro

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Do you want to learn to play violin or fiddle?
Simply download the app and start learning now!
tonestro will help you to learn violin in a fast and fun way!

Why learning instruments such as violin & fiddle with the tonestro app is fun and effective?

Firstly, bite-size violin lessons!
We’ve created short lessons and exercises matching your pace of learning. All violin lessons are tailored by music teachers and include:
- music theory,
- music notes,
- violin tabs,
- violin fingerings,
- sheet music.
It’s like having a music teacher at your side. With exercises, you learn music theory, rhythm & pitch and with exams, you check your progress.

Secondly, it’s like playing a game!
During all lessons, you collect points for learning, practising, and consistency. Weekly challenges with songs give you the extra motivation to improve your instrument skills and persist with lessons. Beat high scores and compare yourself with other violinists!

Thirdly, learn by playing songs you simply love!
Dive into our sheet music library with hundreds of songs. All tracks are studio-quality background music (play-along songs). It makes practising with an instrument fun. Our sheet music library is updated with new songs every week.

You will learn violin songs with the interactive sheet music library in no time!

Is there more? Learn violin or fiddle with live feedback!
Grab your instrument and start a violin lesson, continue your practice or learn a new skill. While you learn how to play a song, our technology analyzes the sound of your instrument in real-time. When you play the wrong notes, we’ll help you get back on track. You receive instant feedback on pitch and rhythm, presented in an easy-to-understand way.
It all happens instantly while you play, practice, or learn with a real instrument. You learn just like with a teacher!

It is hard to learn or play while out of tune.
We’ve got this covered! No matter the instrument you learn, we’re providing you with a tuner! tonestro chromatic violin tuner provides high-precision tuning. During your first violin lessons, we will show you how to get in tune with a chromatic violin tuner quickly.

Are you a beginner musician and need help learning to play the violin? tonestro Violin Lessons app covers:
- easy-to-follow lessons,
- practice songs,
- chromatic violin tuner,
- using a metronome,
- using instant feedback on pitch and rhythm,
- reading music notes,
- fingerings,
- exercises - game experience
- sheet music library
- making the most of play-along songs!

With tonestro Violin Lessons, beginners can learn and progress very fast. What about advanced violinists who want to keep practising with a real instrument?
tonestro Violin Lessons app has you covered! Our interactive sheet music library, fingering tutorials, more complex exercises, or faster melodies are there for you! Such as a chromatic violin tuner, or metronome!

Do you have a problem with a tonestro Violin Lessons app (violin lessons, chromatic violin tuner, sheet music library, metronome)? Contact us!

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6 sen 2024

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Big news: Learn from the masters and get individual learning support from professional music teachers with the new On-Demand Live-Teaching Video Sessions.