Car Parking: maşın oyunları

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Bu oyun haqqında

Can you solve a parking jam and advance to the park master?🚗Car Parking Jam 3D is a car parking simulator that will give you a fun car parking games experience! Lead all the cars out through the exit of the parking lot by choosing which cars to move in the right order. Solve the challenging park puzzle and get all the cars on the road now!🚘

Car Parking Games: Parking Jam Features:
🚍3 kinds of gameplay:Unblock Car, Car Match 3 & Fun Parking
🚒Stunning colorful Parking Jam 3D graphics and intuitive controls
🚚Easy to learn and addictive car parking multiplayer gameplay
🚍Challenging to Find the best car parking games solution
🚎Thousands of parking jam levels,epic car park simulator sensation
🚓Various cars including taxi, sports cars, trucks, and even ambulance
🚑Unblock the traffic jam and be the park master of from a novice

Unblock Car:
Everyone else’s cars blocked your way while you are trying to leave the parking spot. You need to move the cars in the right order and overcome tons of car park obstacles! Solve this tricky parking jam puzzle and get all the cars on the road!

Fun Parking:
Tap and draw lines to control cars, drive and park the cars. In this car parking games, you should be careful to crashing. If cars hit against each other, you have to restart the car parking games. Draw your lines and be careful!

Car Match 3:
There are too many cars in the parking spot during peak hours. Your task is collect 3 cars of the same color to remove them from the parking lot. When all the cars are removed from the parking lot, you win!

Join Car Parking Games: Parking Jam now and become the park master of this Parking Jam games!🤩
Güncəlləmə vaxtı
23 okt 2024

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