Kids360: Parental Control App

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Informace o aplikaci

Kids360: Parental control helps limit screen time, offers an app lock, tracks usage time, and provides educational games. Ensure family safety, manage device usage, and enjoy happy kids. Set time limits, block apps, track GPS, monitor app activity, and keep children safe online with parental control functions.

The Kids360 and Alli360 parental control apps work together and have the following features:

App usage limiter - Set a screen time limit on your child's phone for distracting apps, games and social media, the app will behave like a child lock app. It also enables child lock, kids mode.
Usage schedule - Select the child's schedule for productive schooltime and a recovering sleep during bedtime. The child monitoring app & child lock will take into account the time your child spends on games, social media and entertainment apps and will limit their usage as well as limit phone usage
Apps statistics - Find out what apps and your child is using and for how long, see if they play during class instead of studying.
Screen time - Our child monitoring app shows how much time your child spends on their phone and helps identify the apps that occupy your child the most, enable kid control.
Stay in touch - Essential apps for calls, texts, taxis and other non-gaming and social networking apps are always available so you won't lose contact with your child

Kids360 is a child monitoring app & child lock designed for their safety and helps parents monitor screen time on their child's phone. With our mobile app tracker, you will always know how much time your child spends on their phone, what games they play and what apps they use most often.

The app cannot be installed secretly, use is permissible only with the child’s consent. Personal data is stored in strict compliance with the law and the GDPR policy.

Install the Alli360 on your child's smartphone. The app will run on your child's phone in app tracker mode, plus your child can't just delete it. You will only be able to see what apps your child is using when both apps are fully set and all permissions are given. After setting up the parental control app, you will be able to adjust the screen time on your child's phone.

How to start using Kids360:
install Kids360 on your phone
install Alli360 on your child’s phone and enter the code you see in Kids360
allow monitoring of your child's smartphone in the Kids360 app

You can see your child's screen time on your smartphone for free once your child's device is connected. Time management features in apps (scheduling, blocking apps) are available both in a trial period and with a paid subscription.

The Kids360: parental control app asks for the following permissions:
1. Display over other apps - to block applications when time has run out
2. Special access- to limit screen time
3. Access to usage data - to collect statistics about the apps' running time
4. Autorun - to keep the app tracker running on your child's device at all times
5. Device administrator - to protect against unauthorised deletion and keep kids mode

If you have technical problems, you can always contact Kids360's 24/7 support team by e-mail [email protected]
Datum aktualizace
20. 11. 2024

Zabezpečení údajů

Bezpečnost začíná pochopením toho, jak vývojáři shromažďují a sdílejí vaše data. Postupy ochrany soukromí a zabezpečení dat se mohou lišit podle způsobu používání, oblasti a věku. Tyto informace poskytl vývojář a může je průběžně aktualizovat.
S třetími stranami nejsou sdílena žádná data
Další informace o tom, jak vývojáři deklarují sdílení
Tato aplikace může shromažďovat tyto typy dat
Osobní údaje, Aktivita aplikace a Informace o aplikaci a jejím výkonu
Data jsou šifrována během přenosu
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Hodnocení a recenze

113 tis. recenzí
Lenka T.
21. září 2024
Já to nechápu, všichni to tu chválí, ale já jsem naštvaná. Zaplatila jsem si plnou verzi a teď toho lituju. Neustále blokuje aplikace, které v blokaci vůbec nejsou. A naopak - to, co zablokuju, to dětem na telefonu stále jde spustit. Takže to nefunguje, jak má. Jsou to vyhozené peníze, stojí to za 💩
8 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
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barbora kohnova
14. října 2024
Aplikace je k ničemu. Když dám.limit 1h. stejně to píše že vyčerpal 3h. Když vypne dítě geolokaci , tak stejně nevím kde je. Historie lokace taky nikde . Tudíž naprosto vyhozené peníze.
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Kristýna a Tomáš Rozumkovi
5. října 2024
Pokud se syn nepřipojí na wifi, tak se neaktualizuje strávený čas na mobilu a vesele si jede přes nastavený čas. Pokud mu chci přidat čas, nejde to.... suma sumárum, vyhozené peníze!!!
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