Attack Hole - Black Hole Games

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O této hře

Can you move the black hole to swallow the arms down the hole? Can you bite the bullet and rule the black hole games solo or on multiplayer?

Your quest is easy in Attack Hole io game. The clock is ticking, tik tok, tik tok, will you succeed to swallow the bullet in this circle game, and eat it all like a wormhole in your favorite black hole games?

This eating simulator can be played solo, or multiplayer, you can use the wormhole, eat the bullet and upgrade your black holes!

Choose among your favorite black holes skins and go into the eating games in the hall full of weapons and bullet stacks and try to clear them like in those eating games! If you swallow the whole io weapon, you will have more bullet power to fight and destroy bosses who dare your black holes! Become the black hole hero attacker in this corn hole io game!

For the bigger weapon you will need a bigger bullet attacking black hole to swallow even the biggest guns, bombs and bullet stacks in these eating games !
Just eat the world, a bullet or all the arms using your black holes and wormhole in these eating games.

The black hole circle cut and eat it like a wormhole, all the weapons, even a bullet stack by taking everything in the eating games down the wormhole.

At the end, you will have to fight and destroy giant enemies in the eating games with all the black holes weapons you gathered in the chaotic corn hole io game.
Be the black hole hero, attack the tasty planet, eat the world and swallow the whole io weapons in the hall!
Can you beat them with all the arm you swallowed down the hole in one of your favorite black hole games?

Be the black hole hero attacker in the chaotic gigantic hall of bullets, swallow arms and eat it like a wormhole from eating games!

Fill the hole with as many bullets and guns you can so you can beat the big boss at the end!

Play Attack Hole now!
Datum aktualizace
30. 9. 2024

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423 tis. recenzí
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- Bug fixes and improvements