Loveit: Sketch Love, Share Joy

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Informace o aplikaci

Loveit: Stay close with your loved ones

Loveit is the perfect way to stay close with your partners, best friends, and family. With Loveit, you can see each other all day long on live pics, note widgets, and locket widgets. You can also send hand-drawn notes, hugs, kisses, touches, and cuddles.

Stay close with your partner

Loveit is the perfect way to stay close with your partner. You can see each other's live status, send each other love notes, and even draw pictures together. Loveit makes it easy to stay connected with your partner, even when you're apart.

Stay close with your best friends

Loveit is the perfect way to stay close with your best friends. You can share photos, send each other funny notes, and even draw pictures together. Loveit makes it easy to stay connected with your best friends, even when you're apart.

Stay close with your family

Loveit is the perfect way to stay close with your family. You can share photos, send each other funny notes, and even draw pictures together. Loveit makes it easy to stay connected with your family, even when you're apart.

Express your love with Loveit

Loveit is the perfect way to express your love for your loved ones. With Loveit, you can send each other heartfelt notes, draw beautiful pictures, and even send hugs and kisses. Loveit is the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care.

Download Loveit today and start staying close with your loved ones!

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Terms of use:
You are welcome to contact us at [email protected].
Datum aktualizace
8. 8. 2024

Zabezpečení údajů

Bezpečnost začíná pochopením toho, jak vývojáři shromažďují a sdílejí vaše data. Postupy ochrany soukromí a zabezpečení dat se mohou lišit podle způsobu používání, oblasti a věku. Tyto informace poskytl vývojář a může je průběžně aktualizovat.
S třetími stranami nejsou sdílena žádná data
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Aplikace neshromažďuje žádná data
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Hodnocení a recenze

14,2 tis. recenzí


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- Fix bugs