Dino Quest 2: Dinosaur Games

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O této hře

Grab a shovel, it’s dino time! Enjoy this dinosaur fossils discovery experience, and build your museum on Dino Quest 2!

🦕Let’s embark on a fantastic expedition to find some dinos! Dig up fossils, complete skeletons to discover new dinosaur species, and hunt for prehistoric animal discoveries to attract many visitors to your fossils museum.

🗺️ Be part of this world exploration adventure, and find new dig sites and biomes to become the most experienced paleontologist! Download for FREE* the dinosaur game: Dino Quest 2

Dino Quest 2 is a puzzle-like and tycoon-like 3D casual digging game where you will dig up fossils, collect 3D dinosaurs, and then park them in your museum.

Complete the dinosaur fossil puzzles and increase the collection of prehistoric animals in your Jurassic Park, attracting many visitors and earning money for upgrades!

Now it's your time to dig up fossils!

Have fun excavating fossils and build your own Tycoon Museum, and discover Jurassic Dinosaurs.

Start building the world's biggest Jurassic fossils museum, and become a dino hunter. Find amazing fossils of different dinosaur species and complete skeletons and park them in your prehistoric animal museum.

Hurry up to complete the museum collection

You need to be the first to fill all the collection of artifacts and every space with dinosaur fossil skeletons, attracting the media, tourists, and visitors from all over the world.

Put your shovel in the backpack, look for fossils all around the world, explore biomes, and dig new dig sites. The more dino puzzles you do, the more species you get for your tycoon museum.

Become the world's biggest dinosaur park and build a Jurassic World. There are many dig sites, animal species, fossils variety, and dinosaur skins to discover, and besides, you have fun learning.

Dinosaur Fossils Museum 3D

Be part of an incredible Jurassic World! Dig up for discovering dino fossils, such as Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex / T-rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, Spinosaurus, and other animals from prehistoric times.

When you complete the fossil puzzles, earn dinosaur sculptures and add them to your museum collection.

Explore your 3D gallery, manage the artifacts you discover, and become a worldwide dinosaur tycoon. Dino Quest 2 is a casual dino digging game.

Attract Visitors and Tourists to your Museum

Complete the dinosaur fossil puzzles and increase the collection of prehistoric animals in your Jurassic Park museum. With each completed mission, you get to attract more VIP visitors and tourists to your museum.

Become a dino tycoon! Set up huge digging expeditions, discover prehistoric animal fossils, and develop your zoological museum. Make sure that all your visitors have an amazing experience and get to know the main species in the dinosaur game.

Explore the Jurassic World

Discover dino species in America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania! Embark on this adventure, dig and find fossils in various locations. Become the best dinosaur hunter and become a worldwide zoological museum tycoon.

Complete the daily exploration missions, attract more visitors and upgrade your museum of prehistoric animals. The dinosaur game is a limitless adventure for you to play with all your family and friends!

*Dino Quest 2 Dig Dinosaur Game is a free offline idle clicker game. However, the game has additional features and extra packs that can be purchased in the store.
Datum aktualizace
11. 10. 2024

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Hodnocení a recenze

11,7 tis. recenzí
Hyper AlfaDelta
9. července 2024
Oddechová hra. Není žádné náročné ovládání.
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
Nela Bažantová
23. dubna 2021
Tato hra je velmi hezky provedená. Hezká grafika a modely koster dinosaurů, které si můžete prohlédnout ze všech stran. Je tam i sekce, kde jsou jednotlivé druhy dinosaurů, je tam o nich krátký popis a kostra. Máte vlastní museum o které se staráte, upravujeteho. Je tam asi 20 druhů dinosaurů. Je to relaxační hra a je nejen pro děti, ale podle mě je pro všechny věkové kategorie. Hra není pay to win. Jen tak dál vývojáři :)
23 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
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Zeleninka Zelíčko
19. února 2022
Miluju dinosaury. Krásně provedená hra, pěkná 3D grafika. Realistické kostry. Super. Kdo umí anglicky, může se i něco dozvědět v popisech v encyklopedii ve hře. Spravujete vlastní muzeum, provádíte průzkum, vykopáváte fosilie dinosaurů a skladate kostry do svého muzea. Kdo chce hrát něco o dinosaurech, za zkoušku to stojí. Konečně zmena, že to není o dino zoo.
1 člověk si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
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Tapps Games - PT
21. února 2022
Hi, Zeleninka Zelíčko! We are so thrilled that you liked Dino Quest 2! We hope that you stay with us and enjoy all the future updates!


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