Tank R.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. I use it to set angles on a dipole antenna in inverted V formation to catch NOAA satellite imagry and it works a treat. My only gripe would be for there to be a way to manually type in the angle settings. As for us large fingered folk with small screens its a bit jittery and takes some finesse. I unknowingly use many apps by this dev, and they all function as advertised. Well worth the download.
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You can't take a picture then move the protractor to the exact spot. You're forced to just try again and again and again and again until you give up and and settle for inaccurate measures. Do you want to measure below the line? Too bad, you can't for no reason. Want to move the fulcrum to the side for more accuracy and easier use? Too bad, you can't for no reason.
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A Google user
I have used this app for several jobs over the last few months I have had it installed on my Samsung S7. The real time image overlay is fantastic and accuracy once calibrated with a good level makes a useful tool of the phone. Mind you don't include the buttons on the side of the phone when calibrating the phone. Thank you to the very generous maker/s for such a useful, ad free, free product.
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