Jason Hoellwarth
The app works and doesn't crash. It does display times and routes. What is very frustrating from a train app is that it does not seem to display the track number. Also seemingly silly is that once you have mapped your train route it does not seem to allow you "click this route and purchase the ticket" you have to go back to the purchase ticket pathway. I guess the app takes after New Jersey as a whole. So close to greatness. But not actually great.
Michael Santangelo
I would've given the app 5 stars but the trains that run in this state are the worst in the world. Always delays, trains break down constantly. Then there's the issue of overcrowdness on trains when they don't run on time, you buy a ticket off the app, the conductors can't get around to collect/check the tickets, you're stuck with a paid ticket that you're not using again after 30 days(or worse, once you've activated the ticket and not checked, after 2 hours), you can't get refunded.
Maybe it's useful for point to point on a routine, but I wanted to use the buses for explore NJ. The PDF maps aren't as friendly as an interactive map. I don't know what the subdivisions of NJ are called, clicking on every subsection and trying to piece them together in my head is more effort than I want to spend just to explore someplace new in my free time.