Bert Liu
Nice little free demo and replacement of Papers Please. One star off because it had errors in its pass/fail criteria (e.g. when the rule is "entrant must be aged 30 or above", a 30-year-old man should have been allowed through, but the game denied him). That is an unforgivable flaw since this is the very crux of the game. Also, it just got repetitive pretty quickly, but I guess that's a fair part of the simulation of clerical work.
51 people found this review helpful
James Orbase
I have always wanted a Papers Please style game, and this one fits the bill. Mechanics wise, for the demo, it seems solid. The entry and exit animations when migrants enter seem slow but I may get used to it. Had to set it to 4x to feel fluid (but maybe thats me). Overall, its a great experience. Glory to Alanan.
110 people found this review helpful
Childish Soldier (Koda)
Despite the fact it's a copy of Papers Please, it a really nice game and I do like it alot. The only gripe I have is you can't assist or even prevent a terrorist attack and they happen almost 5 times a week. I couldn't tell if it was my fault or just the games mechanics, but nonetheless it's a good demo and I'll come back time and time again.
13 people found this review helpful