CubeX - Solver, Timer, 3D Cube

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332 E vélemény
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🧩 Master the Cube with CubeX!

Are you ready to conquer the Cube challenge? Look no further than CubeX - the ultimate cube solver app that will transform you into a cube-solving master! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, this app has everything you need to solve the Cube in no time.

💪 Play and Win with Cube Solve Game! 🎮

Simply enter your state manually or scan it using your camera. CubeX, the cubex fastest cube solver, will then guide you through each step to solve your Game in just minutes! This powerful Cube solver offers both the Fridrich Solver and the Advanced Solver, ensuring you get the shortest and most efficient solution every time.

🧠 Challenge Yourself with Cube Solve Game! 🔥

Fridrich Solver:
Solve your Game with the popular Fridrich Method (or CFOP Method). Perfect for those who want to learn and master this classic technique.
Advanced Solver:
Generate the shortest possible solution in seconds! This solver uses Herbert Kociemba's Two-Phase Algorithm to solve any valid 3x3 Cube with no more than 20 moves.
Pattern Solver:
Achieve any valid pattern on your puzzle from any starting pattern with the fewest number of turns.
Virtual Solver:
Play, learn, and solve. Apply custom patterns, practice your algorithms, and use the Fridrich or Advanced Solver directly on the Virtual feature.
Solve Timer:
Simulate professional timing to track and improve your solve times. Perfect for practicing and preparing for competitions!

🌟 Cube Solving App for Endless Fun!

This is more than just a Cube solver app. It's a complete cube solving app that works offline and for free.

🧩 Discover Fun with Cube Solve Game! 🧠

- Solver 3D: Enjoy a 3D experience.
- Cube App: Solve your Cube anytime, anywhere.
- Solve Game: Turn solving the Cube into a fun and engaging game.
- Fastest Solver: Get the shortest solutions quickly and efficiently.

🚀 Cube Solver by Cube X: Solve with Ease! 💪

Get started with this amazing Cube solver app that makes solving your puzzle a breeze. Whether you're learning how to solve the Cube for the first time or looking to improve your speed and efficiency, our app is the perfect solving app for you.

🎉 Solve Cube Fast with Cube X Solver! 🧩

Join thousands of cubers who have transformed their problem-solving skills with our app. Embrace the challenge and excitement of solving the Cube with the best cube solver app available. Dive into the world of cubing with confidence and fun! 🎉

📲 Get Cube X to Solve Cube Instantly! ⚡

Download our app today and experience the power of the cube solver designed to make you a cubing pro. From beginners to experts, Our app is the Cube solver app that brings the magic of solving right to your fingertips. Ready, set, solve! 🧩✨

This Puzzle Game is your one-stop solution for everything Cube! This cube solver app provides the shortest solutions and offers a range of features to enhance your cubing experience. Explore the world of cubing with our app and become a master of the Cube today!

Unlock the power of the ultimate Cube solver! With our app, you can solve Cube puzzles effortlessly. Our Cube solver provides the quickest solutions, making solving Cube challenges easy. Experience the magic of the Game and become a pro at solving!
2024. jún. 13.


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Értékelések és vélemények

318 E vélemény
Nándor Török
2024. november 1.
It's very good if you dont want to buy a timer, or you dont know how to solve a cube, but I have some problems with it. First is the ads. I think there too many of them. Second is the bug where the timer doesn't want to start. It happens daily to me and its quite frustrating. Apart from those its really good! Maybe add 2x2, 4x4 and 5x5 virtual cubes too.
Hasznosnak találta?
Pipi Chick Studio
2024. november 1.
Hello! Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that the ads caused inconveniences. Ads are usually part of the free trial period. We appreciate your feedback and hope you keep enjoying the App for your purposes! For any questions or issues, please contact our support team so we can advise you accordingly: support.cubexsolver@pipichickstu...
Tibi Takács
2024. november 2.
Hasznosnak találta?
Pipi Chick Studio
2024. november 2.
Szia! Köszönjük értékelését. Sajnálattal halljuk, hogy jelenleg nem tudja használni az alkalmazást. Kérjük, további segítségért forduljon ügyfélszolgálatunkhoz a probléma részleteivel kapcsolatban a [email protected] címen. Köszönöm!
Tamás Katona
2024. július 20.
Kiváló segítség! 😉
6 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
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• Improved app stability and performance.