Fasting - Intermittent Fasting

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Fasting Tracker will guide you to a new lifestyle with healthy habits. You’ll lose weight effectively and feel more active! No diet and no yo-yo effect.

It’s proven that intermittent fasting leads to fast weight loss. During fasting, as your glycogen depletes, your body switches to ketosis, which is referred to as the body's "fat-burning" mode. This is an effective way to burn fat.

Yes. It’s the most natural and safe way to lose weight. Studies show that eating all the time makes your body unable to take a break from digesting, which can result in health problems, such as diabetes. When you fast, you just take a break from eating, it takes some of the load off your liver.

With various fasting plans, fasting tracker is suitable for beginner and experienced, men and women. It guides you through your plan. No need to change your diet, you can easily stick to it. If you are under 18 years old, pregnant or breastfeeding, have health issues or are underweight, please ask your doctor for advice before fasting.

√ Burn your body fat reserves
√ Start the process of regeneration and detox during fasting
√ Slow down the aging process
√ Benefit for controlling blood sugar
√ Reduce inflammation
√ Prevent numerous diseases, such as heart diseases and diabetes
√ Boost your growth hormone and increase metabolism
√ Make you feel healthier and more active
√ Improve your body and brain function
√ The most natural way to lose weight and keep fit
√ Lose weight without diet and exercise

√ Various intermittent fasting plans
√ For both beginner and experienced
√ One tap to start/end
√ Customize fasting plan
√ Adjust fasting/eating period
√ Set notifications for fasting
√ Smart fasting tracker
√ Fasting timer
√ Track your weight
√ Check fasting status
√ Science-based tips and articles about fasting
√ No need to count calories intake
√ Losing weight has become so easy
√ Sync data with Google Fit


Effectively Lose Weight
Your body switches into fat burning mode. You’ll burn body fat reserves and prevent food you eat from being stored as fat.

Natural and Healthy
When fasting, your body will actively burn fat, get into detox mode and start the process of regeneration.

Your body reduces inflammation. Cells break down viruses, bacteria and damaged components.

Prevent Diseases
Studies show that fasting can prevent numerous diseases, such as heart diseases, diabetes and cancer.

Cell Repair and Regenerate
Cells remove unnecessary or dysfunctional components. Damaged cells will be replaced with stronger ones.

Against Aging
Your body initiates autophagy, a process of detoxification, repair and regeneration. This has benefits against aging.

Control Blood Sugar
Fasting helps you become more sensitive to insulin. It’s beneficial for controlling blood sugar.

Increase Metabolism
During fasting, your growth hormone goes up, and your metabolism will be increased.
Diupdate pada
9 Okt 2024
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Rating dan ulasan

865 rb ulasan
Jimmy Chandra
15 Oktober 2024
Ada iklan tetris ya ga bisa ditutup, anoying..
3 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Leap Fitness Group
16 Oktober 2024
Hai, apakah maksud Anda iklan tidak memiliki tombol tutup, atau tidak ada respons setelah Anda mengklik tombol tersebut? Jika Anda melihat iklan ini lagi, dapatkah Anda mengirimkan rekaman layar dan tautannya (klik iklan, buka, dan salin tautan di browser) melalui "Saya>Pengaturan>Masukan"? Kami akan menghubungi pengiklan untuk memblokirnya.
Gemayen 1987
8 Juli 2024
Aplikasi nya bagus sekali, jadi mengingatkan jam qt kapan buka & tutup puasa nya.. Aplikasi nya juga sangat membantu sekali untuk menurunkan berat badan, juga paling utama menyehatkan badan.. Saya rutin ikut program dalam aplikasi ini selama 3 bulan penuh, berat badan saya turun puluhan kilo, asam urat saya sembuh, saya sekarang juga udah stop minum obat asam urat gi.. Mantap aplikasi nya 👍👍👍
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Savefree Rangin
15 September 2024
aplikasi yang sangat membantu untuk menjaga berat badan
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