langueage lover
多言語学習に適したアプリ。中国語の文字の上にピンインを、アラビア語、韓国語、ヒンディー語の文字の上にアルファベットを表示してくれたらプレミアム会員になる価値あります。 The app is appropriate for learning multiple languages. If Pinyin is displayed above Chinese characters and alphabets are displayed above Arabic, Korean, and Hindi characters, it'll be worth being a premium subscriber.
10 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Beelinguapp Languages
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback! We took note of your request and will take it into account for future improvements of the app. If you have any further suggestions for improvement please write us to
[email protected]. Have a great day!