Baby Phone for Toddlers Games

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게임 소개

Baby phone games is educational game for toddlers 1-5 years old. The games for babys number animals helps parents turn a ordinary smartphone as toy phone for babies. Boys and girls will learn numbers, with fun animal sounds. Phone call game cute animals to talk in free baby games for 1-3 year olds
Learn numbers and counting and learn colors in languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese in baby games for kids

Playing animals baby phone for kids train motor skills and develop mental activities such as memory & logic. Our toy phone for kids is easy and colorful games for 1 year old. Learning is fun with Baby Games for boys & girls and baby games for kids

- Kids Animal sounds for toddlers games for 1 year old
- Baby phone is an educational game for pre-k, kindergarten and preschool kids ages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds
- Learn Colors for toddlers in preschool learning game for kids & children
- Learn numbers 123 for kids and toddlers. Learning numbers for preschoolers & kids learn to count in kindergarden and baby games for kids
- Learn Vehicles for kids & toddlers, & explore vehicle sounds in baby phone game
- Baby Phone app keep your baby entertained with nursery rhymes and funny game for babies
- Toddler Toy phone with funny monsters & funny voices
- FREE educational toddler phone and baby games for one year olds
- Baby Phone for toddlers - Numbers, Animals & Music

Funny sounds for babies will entertain your kid and baby games for one year olds. Complete baby games free. Baby Phone for Kids is one of our baby educational games for kindergarteners which entertains babies and helps them learn number games for kids, animals for toddlers and animals sounds for babies. Baby Phone is educational game for babies 6 months to learn numbers, animal sounds, nursery rhymes, lullabies. A game for babies an toddler

Baby app educational game will entertain your kid plays with toddler phone. Infant games help learn nursery rhymes and lullabies. Infant games for kindergarten age & preschool kids toddlers with animals baby phone for kids & baby games for one year olds while having fun playing. Toy phone for kids is colorful, suitable for little kids from 1 year old. A full baby games free
Baby educational games for kids has songs, music for kids and rhymes in baby phone happy. Love to play our toy phone free games for babies

Baby first play phone kid games for babys animals for kids. Playing baby toy phone for kids games for babies, your toddler will visually, interactively study 123 for kids.Baby game toddler phone suggests to press numbers to call animal in baby toys. Babyphone number games for kids animal games for kids is free baby games. baby games for kids help learn using baby cell phone in games for babies, toy phone games, in future

Baby telephone games and educational games for free phone game for kids:
- gamesforbabies for 1 year old baby games
- infant games for toddlers age 2 (toddler games free for 2 year olds)
- educational games for 3 year olds (learning games for toddlers age 3)
- infant games for 4 year olds (educational games for kids baby phone 3 4 years)
- free baby games for 5 year old games for toddlers
- infant games for 3 year olds baby-games
- playfone for kids 2,3,4 year old toddlers
- Baby apps and games for babies
- Free baby games for 1 year old
- Baby games for kids or games for babys
- baby games free for games for toddlers

30 kindergarten fun games for toddlers. We create educational, fun games for preschool children, Games for 1 year old and free infant games
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 22.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 12.7만개
2023년 2월 1일
진짜로 휴대폰과 똑같아요.
사용자 8명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
김지민 (シハ Shiha)
2023년 11월 3일
0만 있음 ㄹㅇ 갓벽
사용자 3명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2022년 10월 14일
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이 리뷰가 유용했나요?

새로운 기능

- Now we are giving our little ones an opportunity to add their loved ones in the contact list. Parents can add thier own pictures to personalize the calling screen.
- Updated new Games for kids
- Updated with Offline Rhymes and songs for kids and toddler
- Updated games for kids
- Updated car games for kids
- Updated Coloring games for kids
- Updated Bubble popping game for babies
- All New Baby Phone Game - Toy Phone for Kids
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Updated support for Android 13