Battle Forces: shooting game

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 4.11만개
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만 17세 이상
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게임 소개

Fps games and multiplayer shooting games are your favorite genres? What can be better than the classical realistic one? The shooter that comes with a mix of your favorite multiplayer games features and new!
Meet new shooting game with a capital S - Battle Forces! Let's dive into the world of fps shooter!

Battle Forces is a unique action shooting game with style. Battle online against players worldwide in online shooter! Choose one of the ops or try out all of them shooting game! Arm, get a gun, attack!

Battles in a shooting game online:

- Intensive pvp 4х4 and 5x5!
- Team battle! Collect your team and rush into multiplayer games!
- Leagues! Become a legend of Battle Forces - action shooting game!

Fps games offer a variety of options for shooting game to keep you engaged! Whether you're a lone wolf seeking solo missions, a team player coordinating strategies with friends in multiplayer shooting games, our mobile fps shooter has something for everyone!

Operatives in shooter:

- 6 heroes!
- Special abilities for shooting game online! Each hero can use a unique ability
- Life stories! These guys are not simple combat troops typical for action shooting game! They are charismatic people with backgrounds.
- Upgrade account, improve ops and make them extremely powerful for online shooter!

Weaponry in multiplayer games:

- Huge arsenal! Pistols, machine guns, rifles, grenades. All you love in fps games!
- Modify weapons! Improve your firepower with dozens of additional Silencers, sights, flash hiders! All you need for a perfect battle in a shooting game online!
- Skins for guns! Make guns bright & strong! Yes, guns of fps shooter can be beautiful even if it’s a mobile game ;)

Battle Forces world - shooting game:

- Highly detailed world of multiplayer shooting games in cyberpunk style!
- Detailed maps from classic to futuristic!
- Destructible objects in action shooting game!
- Eye-catching details (maybe kinda unusual for shooter genre but awesome!)

Battle Forces is an shooting game online with amazing features! Take part in exciting battles, develop tactics, fight! If you love playing multiplayer games, these fps games are for you!

Battle Forces - action shooting game is all about action & dynamics in the shooting game world. Simply enjoy!

Whether you're a seasoned fps shooter veteran or a newcomer to the shooter genre, our shooting game online invites you to have an exciting experience! Grab your device and prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure that fits right in your pocket. The battleground awaits!

More features of Battle Forces - multiplayer shooting games are coming!

Have a nice battle!

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Go Dreams
2024년 11월 18일
안녕하세요! 곧 새로운 업데이트가 예정되어 있으며, 모든 버그는 수정 중입니다. 문제를 빠르게 해결하려면 Play Market에 기재된 이메일로 문제 설명과 스크린샷을 보내주세요. 감사합니다!
2024년 10월 31일
로딩이 40%에서 멈추는데 왜 접속이 안되는지요?
사용자 2명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
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2024년 11월 1일
곧 업데이트가 나올 예정입니다. 오류 설명과 스크린샷을 Play Market에 있는 이메일로 보내주시면 도움이 됩니다
2024년 4월 9일
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사용자 8명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
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2024년 4월 9일
안녕하세요! 리뷰를 남겨주셔서 감사합니다! 저희 슈팅 게임이 마음에 드신다면 매장 평점을 별 5개로 변경해 주시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 감사합니다!

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