Cow Evolution: Idle Merge Game

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 60.3만개
콘텐츠 등급
만 10세 이상
스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

게임 소개

Become the biggest animal farmer in Cow Evolution! Merge cows and discover amazing new mootant creatures in the cow game.

🐮 Cowllect coins and crystals, upgrade your equipment and become an animal farm tycoon in this thrilling idle game. Play FREE* Cow Evolution now and discover all the moosterious species!

Everything on the farm was just cows when mutations and evolutions started to create amazing creatures! Combine cows to merge the animals and build a farm with a variety of mutated monsters in the Idle Merge Evolution Game. Cow Evolution brings a fresh take on idle games.

🐄 You can also customize your animals with various items such as hats, clothes, and accessories, and discover other worlds with mysterious creature species.

Be the biggest mutant cow farm tycoon in the world. Fuse the animals, collect coins, crystals and upgrade your equipment. Discover new species, make new fusions, and create more cow mutations in this clicker game that challenges your creativity and strategy.

Use all your creativity to explore new combinations and discover monsters. Download Cow Evolution now and embark on an idle game adventure!

🐮 Idle Merge Evolution Game

Tap and collect resources to evolve your cow farm in this Idle Merge Evolution Game. There are hundreds of items for you to collect, with discoveries that can lead you to discover more mutant species and ensure your progress through the cow game. Idle games like Cow Evolution offer endless fun as you keep merging and evolving your farm creatures.

Level up your farm, customize your cows with hats, clothes, and accessories, and share the creatures you've discovered in this Cow Game with your friends. This idle game is perfect for those who love clicker games and enjoy the thrill of continuous evolution.

🐄 Merge Cow Species

There are three main stages in this animal evolution simulator: monster cows, alpaca cows, and alien cows. Combine cows to test different combinations between these three stages and expand the number of mutant creatures on your farm. The more discoveries you make, the more items you earn to increase your catalog of discovered species and expand the monsters in this evolution games.

🐮 Animal Mutant Farm

Put on your farmer outfit and start taking care of your mutant cows. Complete the main quests of the idle clicker merge game and earn items to customize your animals.

There are many options of hats, hair, clothes, and accessories to make your farm much more fun in the idle clicker merge game.

Remember to play every day to collect more coins and crystals, and share your farm with your friends.

🐄 Merging Animals Puzzle

Discovering all the mutant creature species is a real challenge in Cow Evolution.

Do you think you can exploit your creativity to the max to create new monsters? Combine cows to find new mutants and solve the merging puzzle in this evolution games.

Download now the best idle clicker merge game and explore a universe of the mutant animal. Play every day, fulfill the daily missions and become the best fusion farmer in the region.

*Cow Evolution is a free Idle Merge Evolution Game. However, it has additional features and extra items that can be purchased in the in-game store.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 29.

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