- Employee App

리뷰 6.79천개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

The app puts all your work details into your pocket.

- View your shifts
- Managers can view their team's shifts
- Cover shifts when your coworkers can't make it
- View the status of your leave requests
- Manage your time off if your workplace has it enabled
- Sync your rota to your calendar
- Set up alerts to remind you a shift is starting soon
- Communicate with your team on Chat

We're always working to make better. Expect to see improvements and new features appear regularly!

ABOUT is the world's #1 platform for workforce success. We build cloud software for scheduling staff, managing attendance, and making business decisions. Our vision is to build a product that allows businesses to build truly productive workforces, so they can ultimately grow their business and create more jobs - we're doing this by helping staff be happier and more productive.

“The fact that myself and my staff can access everything in one simple app, makes everything so much easier for all of us."
– Cam, Manager at Urban Climb

“I have found that the unavailability function in Tanda has been a godsend. The app now makes it ten times easier by having everything in one place.”
– Lauren, Operations Manager at Pandora

“The best piece of software out there that covered all the different bases that we needed.”
Richard Weeks, General Manager at Hunley Hotel & Golf Club
“Implementation was a doddle. The customer service side was excellent which meant the setup was so easy.”
John Armstrong, Director at Custom Planet
업데이트 날짜
2024. 8. 29.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 6.68천개

새로운 기능

Improved push notification handling