Fight For America: Country War

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 26.5만개
콘텐츠 등급
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게임 소개

Get ready soldier! Lead the country war as you fight for America in this army game struggle, your commander gave you the mission to push back the invaders - You must battle your way across the American land in a war for conquest, liberating state after state, preventing potential takeover attempts by your rivals and showing your patriotism for America as you fight in this army game.

Be the army and war games leader who has to bring back American freedom, The risk of civil war increases when the state is at risk, and sometimes it takes more than just a tower defense machine gun strategy to win on the army battlefield and dominate the country war.

With a focus on both military and army game mechanics, you must defend your troops while also attacking enemy bases on the country war battlefield, you are the lead in a race to conquer the city, to end this war, and to stop the conflict of the state! Our army game features a variety of different countryballs as enemies, each with their own unique country war strengths and weaknesses. The risk of failure becomes greater in the military games with the passing waves. Quick reflexes of the state and strategic planning in the army games are crucial to survive the onslaught of enemies and make it through each country wars challenge.

As a state commander, you must use any kind of military turret, machine gun, weapons, and tower defense warfare tactics to defeat these enemies of the state, protect from city takeover, fight off rivals, and ultimately triumph in the fight for America's conquest.

If you want to be the ultimate American army game leader, you need to use all the tower defense and war games tactics in the book, and win the country war in a swift movement!

Prepare to liberate the nation, one state at a time, you need to be efficient when using an army game offensive over your enemies, your commander gave you an order, to win the country war, and it is up to you to decide the course of the army action!

Draw the line and save America from the military invaders by showing their might and American patriotism! Your quick country war reflexes and strategic army game country war planning will be put to the test as waves of enemies with a boss approach your defense line. Fun challenges in each level, to survive tougher enemies with military games weaponry and a stronger military to avoid the city takeover.

Use all kinds of army game tactics to win the country war, and liberate America again, the American way!

The American army commander requires you to defeat the enemies of the state in this army game country war, do you have what it takes?

With an army game gameplay and a compelling American country war patriotism storyline, Fight for America is a must-have for any fan of army game and military games who wants to conquer the state and be the ultimate army leader. So, gear up, set up your base tactical and American military solutions, use the turret and many other warfare tactics, fight and win this army battle for America end this civil war, and save America from other countries! Protect Freedom in the Army Game, Win the Country War, and do it the American Way!

This army game is as challenging as state io, countryballs, and country war, There are no American war games out there like it, here you need to defeat the enemy of the American army to avoid defeat and conquer the country war with just a tap on the screen!

Defend America by re-conquering every state using army game and country war strategy, and draw the tower defense military strategy! Show your patriotism and lead the American army to army game victory! The American way!
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 19.

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2024년 10월 21일
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2024년 8월 2일
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