Unsolved: Hidden Mystery Games

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 28.4만개
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게임 소개

Welcome to UNSOLVED - the ultimate FREE hidden object adventure experience viewed through detective eyes in the extraordinary world of mystery games, puzzling investigations, and tons of hidden clues waiting to be found.


Jump right into a new world of hidden object puzzle adventure games with this collection of carefully crafted, highly praised FREE hidden object marvels, ALL IN ONE PLACE. Play more mystery games without leaving the application and look forward to new titles in this evergrowing set.


Embark on a thrilling adventure in a multitude of breathtaking lands and immerse yourself in compelling tales filled with fascinating characters, both friendly and hostile. Unravel chilling stories of unexplained vanishing, mystery murder or a dark family secret. Is it a vicious crime or a supernatural event? Whatever the case, you will be captivated from the beginning to the end.


Become a true detective and run a thorough investigation. Lead the inquiry, document evidence, and solve an abundance of exceptional puzzles. Use your deductive skills to get inside the minds of your adversaries. Connect the dots and solve the mystery conundrum. Whether it is a criminal case, a secret society conspiracy or unsolved mysteries of the past, discover the truth and don’t let the persecutors escape.


Explore a vast number of mesmerizing sights in search of clues and practical appliances to advance your investigations. Challenge your perceptivity by scouring through plenty of heavily detailed, beautifully illustrated scenes filled with heaps of hidden objects. Find them all on a crime scene, in a haunted hotel, an enchanted forest and dozens of other unique places.


Visit diverse, captivating settings in this expanding set of mystery games. Your journey will take you from mystery manor to mysterious city alley, from hidden hotel to dark dungeon. Anticipate new astonishing areas in the upcoming UNSOLVED in-app releases.


UNSOLVED presents the remarkable EVENTIDE trilogy, including an exclusive bonus chapter, as the starting point for this new Hidden Object Adventure Games Collection from the creators of genre-defining mystery classics: ENIGMATIS and GRIM LEGENDS series.

Start your journey in the magnificent world of Eventide. Join Mary Gilbert in her travel to eastern Europe and delve into stirring Slavic folklore only to encounter an unearthly threat. Discover Mary’s heritage and help her overcome the dangers she was destined to face.


Optimized for phones and tablets, filled with hidden objects, perfect for playing while traveling.


Enjoy an evergrowing collection of skillfully crafted FREE hidden object puzzle adventure games
Run detective investigations, solve criminal cases or discover ancient mysteries
Challenge your mind in exceptional puzzles
Find tons of hidden objects in complex scenes
Escape into a world of unforgettable mystery stories
Be amazed by beautiful hand-painted sceneries
Get thirsty for more adventures to come!


Unsolved contains beloved classics from the hidden object adventure games Artifex Mundi portfolio.

I.e. NOIR CHRONICLES: CITY OF CRIME an awesome detective game where the players solve cases in order to unravel dark mysteries.

In love with crime drama? CRIME SECRETS: CRIMSON LILY from Artifex Mundi classic games, delivers all the necessary thrills with its gripping storyline and unique characters.

Ancient secrets in outstanding picturesque locations? THE MYTH SEEKERS: THE LEGACY OF VULCAN has got you covered.

A fantastic adventure in GRIM LEGENDS: THE DARK CITY where you have to save a city from falling to an ancient curse featuring stunning graphics and CGI cutscenes.

These are only a few great examples of hidden object adventure mystery games galore available for you in Unsolved.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 14.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 24.2만개
2021년 2월 26일
비슷한 종류의 게임을 여러가지 할수있어서 좋아요!시간만 지나면 에너지가 저절로 채워져서 현질을 안해도되고 편해요!하지만 만약 에너지때문에 현질을 할거라면 차라리 그 게임의 이름을 검색해서 full게임을 사는게 더 이득입니다.
사용자 1명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 11월 21일
확실히 재밌긴한데 이 장점에 비해서 단점이 큰 느낌? 게임 진행할때마다 에너지가 필요한데 이게 진행할때마다, 미니게임 터치할때마다 특히 행동수행(1번터치할때마다)할때마다 에너지가 줄어들어요. 4-7개씩? 정확히는 모르겠는데 많이 줄어들어요 ㅠㅠ 처음 게임 시작할땐 괜찮다가 얼마안가서 에너지 부족으로 에너지 없으면 진행 못하게 막혀서 답답하네요. 무료 에너지도 1시간마다 다시 채울수 있는데 무제한 아니고 하루 한정 몇번 밖에 못하고 20개 주는데 3-4번? 밖에 행동 못하고 에너지 차도 10분정도 찔끔하다가 막히는데 에너지 유료로 채우라고 나오는 타이밍 보면 현질유도 하는데 인내심 폭발시키는 구조랄까 ㅠㅠ
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 9월 13일
게임 잘하고 있었는데요... 아니 이건 뭔가요 게임하고 있었는데 탑같은데에 동전 꺼내야 되는데 꺼내기도 전에 한쪽을 막아버려서 동전 꺼내지도 못하고 힌트는 계속 거기를 가르키고 있는데 꺼내지도 못하고 열지도 못하네요 이건 뭐.. 아예 첨부터 다시 해야되나요ㅠㅠ 추가) 이메일로 보냈으나 차단된 이메일이라고 나옵니다. 사진으로 보내드리려고 하였으나 전송이 안됩니다. 이메일 확인 후 다시 답변 부탁드립니다.
사용자 3명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Artifex Mundi
2024년 9월 13일
Hello 👋 Thank you for your review. We apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. Please kindly contact us via email at [email protected] and we'll do our best to assist you in resolving this issue 🛠️

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