Domi Kids-Baby Songs & Videos

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 15.9만개
교사 추천
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
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앱 정보

Welcome to our app! We are delighted to present you with a wide range of children's videos, including nursery rhymes, music, cartoons, and more. Our app is designed with children and babies in mind, providing a user-friendly and engaging experience.

Dive into a world of captivating children's entertainment with our app. We have carefully curated a collection of popular nursery rhyme videos, filled with catchy tunes, colorful animations, and interactive elements to engage young minds.

With our app, your child can enjoy timeless classics like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," "The Wheels on the Bus,""Baby Shark”and”Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.” These beloved nursery rhymes have been entertaining and educating children for generations.

Our app also features a variety of innovative children's music and cartoon videos. From original compositions to captivating storytelling, these videos offer a fresh and engaging experience for young viewers.

⭐Safe and friendly
We understand the importance of creating a safe and child-friendly environment. Our app is designed with intuitive navigation and parental controls, ensuring that children can explore and enjoy the content without any worries.

⭐Keep updating
Our app is constantly updated with fresh content, ensuring that your child always has something new to explore and enjoy. We add new nursery rhymes, music videos, and cartoons regularly, keeping up with the latest trends and interests of young viewers.

With our app, you can now download your favorite nursery rhyme videos and enjoy them offline, making it convenient for parents to entertain and care for their children, especially during travel or in situations without internet access.

Download our app now and let your child embark on a fun and educational journey through the world of nursery rhymes, music, and cartoons.

Youtube channel: Domi Kids-Nursery Rhymes
Contact us: [email protected]
업데이트 날짜
2024. 7. 24.

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