CandyBots Kids World - ABC 123

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앱 정보

안녕 아이들~ CandyBots 어린이 - ABC 123 세계 학습 의 세계로 모시어요!

배우기는 즐거음이다. 배우기도 하고 오락이기도 하는 앱인데 다 하나중에만 결합됀다.
Cady Bots Learning World에는 아기, 유치원생, 1학년 학생 등 아이들위한 상호작용하려고 활동 및 퀴즈, 노래, 만화 비디오들이 많이 있다.
아이들은 읽기, 쓰기 그리고 영어도 공부할 수 있다. 또한 수학, 음악도 공부하고, 그림도 그리고 색도 칠할수 있다.
이것은 동물, 문자, 숙자, 기하, 색깔, 나무, 교통수단 등 아주 다양한 분야도 많이 있는 셰계이고 아이들 즐게게 발견할 수 있다.
CandyBots 어린이 - ABC 123 세계 학습 은 아이들에 대한 종합하게 교육하는 최고 앱이다.

Learning is joyful! Now all play & learn children games of Candy Bots have come together in one amazing app!
With CandyBots Kids - ABC 123 World - Learning Academy, many kinds of interactive activities & puzzle mini games, songs, cartoon videos clips for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first graders playing & learning.
Children can learn reading, language, writing, math, music, drawing and painting. The world of animals, ABC alphabet phonics, numbers 123, shapes, colors, fruit tree, car truck… to explore with fun.
Candybots Learning World is the best early education all in one app for your baby boys & girls!
Discover the world with pirate baby Bots and Candy friends as kids playing and having fun: deep-sea adventure submarine, become pirate hero, play with pet dog cat, plant the apple tree, drive a firetruck car, dressing up the baby bots, collect the surprise eggs, & many more – all in one magic world.

⚙️ CandyBots Kids - ABC 123 World - Learning Academy – All in one learning game:

- Car & truck, bus puzzle game for junior kids create and play with 12 different cars vehicles transporter. Kids can design & build all cars creatively.
- Alphabet ABC phonics letters: lets toddlers and preschoolers spelling and reading the ABCs with surprise eggs!
- 123 numbers magic world: education app to learn tracing the 123s, count the numbers, get your children to be familiar with math.
- Shape trace & match: baby can draw 10 basic shapes easily before kindergarten! Include matching mini games to recognize and will help your child's memory active and remember shape names
- Color painting game: early education for babies learn 10 basic colors by painting shapes forms and memory coloring toys.
- Animals zoo: help beginning readers learning read animals' name and listen sound (dog, cat, pig, monkey, chicken, shark...). Also, learn what to feed and how to care for the animals of the jungle.
- Animals world: funny game for kids playing puzzle mini games with each 24 animal’s characters: pet dog became hero, cat catch mouse game, racing horse...
- Fruits Garden Farm: creative game for cooking cake & making juice from your own garden. Kids can play, plant & grow 9 different fruit trees and make yummy snacks, juice like ice-cream and smoothies with simple mini games.
- 10+ topics to learn vocabulary with cards for education: alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, car truck vehicles, animals (house, jungle, river, farm, bird and insect, ocean), fruit trees, food, nature & things!
- 30+ mini games with pirate bots & animal characters.
- Over 200 funny cartoon video clips: help kids remember what they’ve learned in an enjoyable experience.

Key Features:

- Fun for kids aged 2 to 6. Best gift for curious child.
- CandyBots Kids - ABC 123 World is a subscription service for learning. Try it free trial for 3 days and cancel any time.
- Subscribe to unlock more features to play and get new educational games, videos and songs every month! All your needs will be satisfied here. Enjoy your stay in the world!
- No ads! Safe for children.
- Play downloaded games without Wifi or internet
Hi, there are all kinds of interesting stories in CandyBots Kids - ABC 123 World. Do you enjoy watching your son or daughter laugh, have fun and learn while playing? Download now and be amazed to see how your baby will learn new things in magic world. Thousands of children play with CandyBots apps at home every day!

If you need help, have questions, or want to say ‘hi’, get in touch at [email protected]
업데이트 날짜
2022. 12. 27.

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개발자가 어떻게 공유를 선언하는지 자세히 알아보세요.
수집된 데이터가 없습니다.
개발자가 어떻게 수집을 선언하는지 자세히 알아보세요.
Play 가족 정책을 준수하겠다고 약속한 앱입니다.

평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 211개
2020년 7월 30일
사용자 9명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
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새로운 기능

Update new Google SDK version.