Photo frame app, collage maker

광고 포함
리뷰 22만개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

Collage maker - photo editor - is a frame photo collage maker and professional photo editor app. In this application you can add beautiful love photo frames and you can also easily create collages with your photos. You can edit your photos, add text, stickers and emojis over photos.

📷 In this love photo frames app you will find several beautiful love frames for pictures, from which you can choose. We have a large collection of love frames that contain hearts, roses, and other items that will make your pictures more special. They are horizontal and square. Choose your favorite pictures from your phone and add them, create a beautiful composition with which you will be able to share with your loved ones and friends to express your feelings.

📷 In this photo collage maker app will be able to create collages with your favorite pictures. Choose the pictures and then insert them in the desired collage. Choose the format you want: vertical, square, horizontal. We have a large list of collages from which you will surely find something you like. Add backgrounds that can be of different colors, gradients, or special backgrounds. Edit your photos, collage borders, add texts, emoji and stickers and save the composition you created. Share it with your loved ones, or post it on one of the social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Whatsapp, Telegram etc. You will also be able to use it as a story maker.

📷 In this picture editor app can easily edit your photos. You will discover several photo editing tools and photo filters. You will be able to apply more effects. You will be able to, increase or decrease the brightness, reduce or enlarge the photo, black and white effect, horizontal and vertical mirroring.

📷 You will be able to add text, stickers, emoji and draw over pictures with a brush. You can edit the text you add, you can choose the desired font from the font list, change the color of the text on photo, add background so that it can be seen on any picture. You can add a variety of stickers to our list, such as love stickers with hearts, love texts, and more. Also, in order to be able to express your feelings and creativity, you will also find the brush, with the help of which you will be able to draw directly above the pictures.

Use this love frame photo collage maker and photo editor app. Edit your photos, add text, stickers and emoji. Save your creations and shares with whomever you want.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 21.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 22만개
2024년 8월 2일
편집이 생각보다 쉬운듯..자주 사용할 것같아요
사용자 4명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 9월 4일
창의적이고 예뻐요
사용자 4명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 8월 21일
간편하고 . 무료네요? 와우!
사용자 6명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?

새로운 기능

❤️ Photo frames and photo collage maker. ❤️
💕 We added new photo frames. 💕
😍 Love stickers and emojis. Love photo frames. 😍
⚙️The application has been improved.