Sniper Champions: 3D shooting

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게임 소개

Put your aim to the test in this online shooting range game.

Master your shooting skills and outgun your opponent by quickly hitting targets. Will you claim the title of Sniper Champion?

Skillful Sniper Action

Take aim on a variety of shooting ranges full of unique 3D targets and challenges. If you like gun games, you'll enjoy competing 1-on-1 against other online players.
You are in control and nothing matters except your gun and your skills. Hone both of them to rack up points like a pro in 3D sniper shoot-outs.

When you take that perfect shot, nothing beats watching your bullet hit the bullseye in slow motion.

You Are the Elite Sniper

You will clash with real players in head-to-head snipe-offs, with nothing but your trusty weapon. You are a deadly hunter whose prey is dumbfounded like a deer in the headlights.
If your aim is true and you master your weapon, you'll rank up in the leagues to show everyone that you're the best sharpshooter; have fun hunting that top leaderboard spot!
For even more intense competition, join the global tournaments to prove you're the top marksman.

Dozens of Guns and Targets

Do you love guns? Then this is the game for you! Collect and upgrade weapons for a variety of ways to hit that perfect shot.
Customize your bullet and your target to show your opponent that you can outgun them in style.
Everything on your rifle is customizable; if you want a better scope, you've got it! If you want more firepower, you've got it! Or maybe more bullets. Those always do the trick.

Pick up your sniper rifle and give this game a shot! It might not fulfill all your hunter fantasies (sorry, no ducks!) but it'll surely soothe that itchy trigger finger.

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This app allows you to purchase virtual items within the app and may contain third-party advertisements that may redirect you to a third-party site.

This game includes optional in-game purchases (includes random items).

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2024. 11. 4.
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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 42.1만개
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겜이 너무 자주 끊겨요 이겨놓고 날려먹은 상자만 몇개인지 모르겠네... 게임을 만들어 놓고 관리는 전혀 안하는 느낌
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 7월 16일
게임은 재미있고 광고를 보면 굳이 현질을 하지않아도된다.그러나 너무 자주 다운되서 게임중에도 다운으로 질때가 많다.ㅠㅠ 그리고 실행도 한번에 잘 안될때가많다. 수정해쥤으면 좋겠다
사용자 11명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
bi Shin
2024년 8월 11일
서버다운현상이 심하고 매칭 상대가 거의 100% AI 같다. 승률 확률 1%정도나 되나 현질은 절대 하지 말기를~~~ 정말 짜증나게 매칭 시켜준다.
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?

새로운 기능

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저희 최신 업데이트를 통해 으스스한 즐거움을 즐길 준비하세요!

- 새로운 블랙잭 & 점수 공격이 시작됩니다! 다른 사람들과 경쟁, 도전하고 점수를 크게 내서 멋진 보상을 획득하세요!
- 새로운 특수화된 청사진 상자로 더 빠르게 무기를 해제하세요!- 새로운 특수화된 부품 상자로 여러분의 무기고를 강화하세요!
- 저희는 버그 몇 마리를 잡고 여러분을 위해 게임을 더 순조롭게 만들었습니다!