International Calls App: Telz

리뷰 1.68만개
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

Telz makes phone international calling affordable, helping you stay connected with family and friends around the world.

Telz offers free installs and international calling app with no hidden fees and completely transparent per-minute pricing. You’ll always see the final cost upfront, and your balance never expires. With rates starting at just a few cents per minute, calls have never been easier!

Enjoy the best quality VoIP calls to any destination worldwide, you'll experience top-notch audio quality and a stable connection—just like making a local call, no matter where you are. Enjoy the best seamless in globe!

Download the call app now to receive a gift and make a free calls! Experience the user-friendly interface and enjoy secure, keep confidential calling, no commitment required.

1. Install Telz and sign up.
2. Top up any mobile number in 150 countries with low fees.
3. Select a contact or type in a number.
4. Keep an international calling app with ease.
With Telz, you can quickly send airtime to friends, colleagues, or family, ensuring they stay connected. Plus, WiFi calling is simple and seamless!

Whether you're calling home from abroad or making business international calls, Telz helps you avoid roaming fees and save up to 85% compared to traditional carriers. Enjoy the lowest rates for landlines and mobile numbers worldwide.

Easily record phone calls, with recordings securely stored on your mobile and accessible only to you. Keep them for future reference whenever needed.

Telz is perfect for tourists and travelers, allowing you to stay connected while abroad with cheap phone bills. Enjoy global worldwide communication and seamless connectivity wherever your travels take you!

✓ Use your mobile contact list
✓ Join our referral program to earn gifts for the free international calls
✓ One account & number for all devices
✓ Optional auto top-ups ensure you never run out of credit
✓ 24/7 support ready to help you with VoIP calling
✓ Use Wi-Fi to avoid data roaming fees

Get Telz today to start enjoying international calls for less! With just an internet connection, whether it's WiFi, 4G, LTE, or 3G — you’ll be instantly connected to the world. Experience phone communication with friends and family, and enjoy the benefits of affordable calling app without any doubt.

We provide cheap calls also to the following countries:
Call Cuba Syria Bangladesh Pakistan Afghanistan Venezuela Sudan Yemen Nigeria Eritrea South Sudan Myanmar Nepal Asia

Enjoy! We’d love to hear your feedback!
Take a minute to rate our free calling app and share your experience with us! Your feedback helps us improve!

Visit our website:

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 24.

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친애하는 고객 여러분, [email protected]으로 메일을 보내주시면 도와드리겠습니다.

새로운 기능

VoIP 국제전화 앱 Telz를 사용해 주셔서 감사합니다!

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모든 오류와 제안 사항은 [email protected]으로 보내주세요.