Office Word Reader: PDF, DOCX

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 25.8만개
콘텐츠 등급
스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

앱 정보

📂 Office Word - DOCX, PDF, XLSX, All Document Reader is a comprehensive document reader that handles multiple file formats like .docx, xlsx, pptx, txt, converting them seamlessly to PDF. This office app also enables robust file editing, supporting a variety of documents, including .docx and pptx, through its advanced office viewer and office editor functionalities.

✍️ The Office application features advanced tools like change tracking, commenting, spell checks, and the capability to edit documents. Office Word Reader - DOCX, PDF, XLSX, PPTX, All Document Reader stands out as a leading solution for those needing to access and manage documents obtained online, equipped with a PDF viewer for Android and rapid PDF file reading capabilities.

🔍 User-friendly and powerful, the office app includes a SCAN feature that allows for converting various documents to PDFs, swiftly searching files, extracting texts from images with precision, generating professional-quality scans, and adding e-signatures and security watermarks for enhanced document reader utility.

📄 For docx files, this docx reader and docx editor facilitate viewing and offline reading, supporting the creation and modification of doc and docx files. It allows users to collaborate on documents directly from Android devices and share them effortlessly via email, highlighting its utility as an office reader and office editor.

📘 The PDF functionality of the office app supports all PDF viewers, facilitating document collaboration, editing, and sharing. It includes features for PDF Reader, PDF Editor, and displaying PDF documents in various layouts, bookmarking pages, and sharing documents for efficient storage and retrieval.

📈 The XLSX component of the office app allows users to read, view, edit, and share xlsx documents, reinforcing its status as a versatile office viewer and office editor. It supports multiple document formats including txt and xls, enhancing its utility as an office reader.

🖥️ Lastly, the Slide Document feature of this document reader supports ppt and pptx formats, allowing users to view, edit, and share presentations effortlessly, further establishing this office app as a robust tool for document management.

Overall, the Office Word Reader - DOCX, PDF, XLSX, All Document Reader is fully compatible with a wide range of formats, solidifying its position as a versatile and essential office viewer and office editor for professionals on the go.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 25.

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2024년 11월 21일
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7일 무료여서 구독햇는데 바로 결제처리가 되었습니다. 보통 7일이 지나고 결제가 되는것 아닌가요? 그래도 혹여 다른앱과 다를수있다 생각하여 1일사용해보다가 광고도 너무 많이 뜨고 복잡해서 바로 구글스토어에서 정기구독취소를 눌렀습니다. 그런데도 결제한금액은 취소가 안됩니다. 어플에서도 환불처리를 할수있는 방법도 없고 이메일로 문의도 드렸으나 답장조차 받지못했습니다. 정말 어이가 없네요,, 스토어에도 환불처리 진행하였으니 빠른 환불 부탁드립니다. 이용자를 늘리고싶으면 이러한부분은 개선을 하는게 좋을것같네요..
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새로운 기능

- Convert image to PDF quickly
- Scan documents into PDF
- Read PDF and view PDF features are enhanced.
- Fix current bugs and improve user experience.
- Rename files easily
- Support multiple languages