Reckless Getaway 2: Car Chase

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 21.2만개
콘텐츠 등급
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게임 소개

Ready for the ultimate adrenaline rush? Step into the driver's seat in Reckless Getaway 2: Ultimate Police Escape, the most intense action racing game on mobile! Immerse yourself in a thrilling chase as you navigate through city streets and off-road terrain, outrunning cop cars, SUVs, SWAT teams, helicopters, and even tanks!

High-Speed Car Chase: Experience the excitement of high-speed chases with police cars, SWAT units, and army jeeps hot on your tail.
Helicopter Pursuit: Dodge the relentless helicopter pursuit as you navigate through treacherous terrains and urban chase scenarios.
Escape Adventure: Embark on an epic escape mission where your driving skills will be put to the ultimate test.
Fast Driving & Tactical Evasion: Utilize your drift, slide, and dodge skills to evade the police and survive the hot pursuit.
Off-Road Escape: Take the chase off the streets and into the wild with off-road escape routes that challenge even the best drivers.
Pursuit Challenge: Face the most wanted status and see how long you can outrun cops in this survival drive.
Getaway Skills: Enhance your getaway tactics with tactical evasion techniques to stay one step ahead of the law.
Street Racing & Traffic: Master the art of street racing while dodging traffic to keep the chase alive.
Adventure Driving: Take on various missions in different environments, each offering a unique escape adventure.
Smash & Run: Use your car to smash through obstacles and run from the cops in heart-pounding chases.
Thrilling Gameplay: Feel the rush as you engage in the ultimate car chase experience.
Diverse Vehicles: Drive various cars, from sports cars to tanks, each with unique handling and speed.
Immersive Graphics: Stunning visuals bring the urban chase and off-road adventures to life.
Compete & Survive: Become the most wanted and see how long you can run from cops and smash your way to freedom.

Are you ready to become the ultimate getaway driver? Download Reckless Getaway 2 : Ultimate Police Escape now and put your driving skills to the test in the most exhilarating police escape game on mobile!

It ain’t no cakewalk topping the most-wanted list. It takes hard work and a sweet ride… Dodge the heat and don’t get dead!

- Free-roaming levels
- Loads of epic cars to unlock
- Simple controls

This game includes optional in-game purchases (includes random items).

업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 21.

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리뷰 20만개
2024년 7월 28일
약4년한 유저입니다. 차는 거의다 모았구요. 특별차량 5개정도 있습니다. 원래 이렇게 길게 리뷰 적지 않는데 이 게임은 계속 성장하는게 보입니다. 맵도 계속 추가하고요. 차도 계속 추가합니다.근데 이번에 시민차랑 경찰차 종류 추가해주신거 진짜 맘에 듭니다. 계속 할테니 업데이트도 계속 해주세요.
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2024년 7월 23일
게임이 많이 변했네요 예전엔 광고 없었는데 요즘은 광고도 자주나오고 광고 유도도 좀 많아요 예전에 즐겨해서 오랜만에 설치해 봤는데 실망이네요
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2024년 9월 16일
광고가 너무 많이 나옴. 게임 한판당 하나씩 나옴.
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