Running Pet: Dec Rooms

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 4.34만개
콘텐츠 등급
만 10세 이상
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지

게임 소개

Welcome to Running Pet, the endless running game! Jump, slide, and dodge various obstacles to pick up gold coins on the road . An exciting adventure is calling you!

Our pet pal Sunny Cat and his friends want to build a dream home. Can you help them? Use gold coins to buy more furniture to decorate their home! Unlock Buck, Luna, Bao, Jack, and George by building rooms.

Collect skateboard pieces, unlock unique abilities, and skating on city streets. Explore the subway, jungle and more areas, push your limits in mystical realms, and take on thrilling challenges in a variety of landscapes.

Challenging daily tasks and unlock wonderful areas. Jump into the adventure and play now!

- Endless running game!
- Cute and funny pet characters!
- Awesome skateboards!
- Challenging and novel worlds!
- Intense and thrilling races!
- Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
- Smooth gameplay experience!
- Challenge players from around the world!

- Jump, slide, and dodge obstacles.
- Power-ups to help you run.
- Pick up gold coins to build dream homes.
- Unlock more characters and outfits.
- Unlock different skateboards.

Are you ready to start an endless adventure with Sunny Cat? Let's run!

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact our Facebook page:
업데이트 날짜
2024. 9. 12.

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평점 및 리뷰

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