Zodiac Palm Reader: MagicWay

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리뷰 3.26만개
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앱 정보

MagicWay is all you need to get hidden knowledge about yourself and your destiny.

We open the way for you to Astrology, Zodiac, Palmistry, Runes, Horoscope, Tarot, Zodiac Compatibility and much more.

We collaborate closely with the top astrologers in the world to obtain incredibly accurate results and offer premium fortune telling and palm reading insights.

Our main goal is to give you a comprehensive zodiac report every day and inspire you to great things, because an incredible personality is hidden in you.

You have access to a number of sections in our application. Each of which offers a wealth of knowledge. In addition to palm reading and fortune telling, you will learn a lot about your zodiac sign, your detailed zodiac compatibility with other signs, and your horoscope for every day. You will discover what ancient runes and sacred tarot cards have to say about you.

The primary goals of our application are palm reading and a thorough profile of you as a person, revealing every secret that is buried within you. As a Palm reader app we improve the accuracy of our forecasts every day We offer extremely thorough reports, and by taking advantage of the fundamentals of palmistry that we also offer, you have the chance to develop into an aspiring palmist yourself.

The key to happiness and success is to follow the path of self-knowledge.
We strive each day to provide users with a fantastic user interface and highly personalized results.

Despite the fact that we provide a lot of information as a palm reader, our application also provides a ton of other zodiac information, such as undeniably accurate information about any zodiac sign, including your own, incredibly accurate compatibility information for any sign with any other sign, lost and forgotten ancestor runes, in-depth tarot card fortune telling, and of course the daily zodiac horoscope. By regularly using our application, you'll develop your own astrological skills and gain a deeper understanding of life.

We provide the following as a palm reader:
• head line palmistry,
• heart line palmistry,
• life line palmistry,
• fate line palmistry,
• sun line palmistry,

We offer zodiac compatibility for 12 zodiac signs:
• ♈ aries,
• ♉ taurus,
• ♊ gemini,
• ♋ cancer,
• ♌ leo,
• ♍ virgo,
• ♎ libra,
• ♏ scorpio,
• ♐ sagittarius,
• ♑ capricorn,
• ♒ aquarius,
• ♓ pisces,
We offer all the zodiac information you require regarding compatibility between zodiac signs.

We offer a very detailed individual zodiac report based on your birthdate, the planets' current positions, palmistry, and a lot more. Finding and understanding who we are in life is crucial, and we will do everything in our power to assist you.

Regarding zodiac horoscope, we offer it for:
• ♈ aries,
• ♉ taurus,
• ♊ gemini,
• ♋ cancer,
• ♌ leo,
• ♍ virgo,
• ♎ libra,
• ♏ scorpio,
• ♐ sagittarius,
• ♑ capricorn,
• ♒ aquarius,
• ♓ pisces,
The zodiac horoscope is the most famous way to know yourself in an astrological sense. This is the base that needs daily inspection.

Try the features of our application, imbue them, give yourself time to absorb the divine knowledge it offers, and observe the changes in your life.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 5.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 3.17만개
2024년 8월 16일
very nice
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Ha Hyun An
2021년 10월 17일
I agreed to a 3 day free trial. Only used the app for an hour on the first day. Canceled the subscription but why was I still charged? What's the difference between this and stealing if you don't put a clear notice? Does a 3 day trial sound like take money right away to you?
사용자 2명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?

새로운 기능

New in MagicWay: Horoscopes Update!

🌟 Horoscopes DateTab: Enhanced daily to yearly insights for 2024.

✨ Weekly: Money, Peaceful Mind, Productivity.

🌙 Monthly: Body & Soul, Emotions, Relationships – now with beautifully detailed moon phases.

🔮 Yearly 2024: Overall, Transformation, Romance, Intellect.

💫 Destiny: Life's Path, Rhythm, Leadership, Love.

🌘 Detailed Moon Phases: Elegantly showcase the moon's phases and their influence on you.