Hidden Escape: Horror Mystery

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 234개
콘텐츠 등급
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게임 소개

Hidden Escape: Horror Mystery is a supernatural horror game that transports you into a scary world that will awaken your long-dormant fears. Join Ana, an investigative journalist, as she explores a haunted house and uncovers terrifying tales of ghosts bound by a dark presence.

Hidden Escape: Horror Mystery is a horror mystery game where you have to solve puzzles, find hidden objects, and piece together the secrets of the house’s morbid past. Follow Ana’s journey as she explores a decrepit, rotting mansion that has scary spooks and specters at every turn. As she learns to cross the threshold of her fears, she begins to help the ghosts overcome their tragic pasts. But it’s not the ghosts that terrify her. There is something more malignant, more insidious that lurks in the house. Something that threatens the essence of life and death. Something that wants to take everything away from her!

Help Ana decode the deeper mystery of the nature of the haunted house. Part horrifying, part tragic, and part untangling the enigma surrounding the grisly murders that have happened there. Join her and overcome all the scary traps and riddles set up by this hellish entity. Will she be able to solve the murders and escape before she falls prey to its mind-games?

Help Ana free all the trapped souls in Hidden Escape: Horror Mystery.

Key Features:
✔️A chilling point-and-click adventure game!
✔️A unique supernatural horror storyline!
✔️Eerily mysterious locations to explore!
✔️Solve mind-boggling puzzles and riddles!
✔️Find strange hidden objects!
✔️Play addictive mini-games!
✔️Meet interesting characters!
✔️Dive deep into the world of hauntings!
✔️Solve the mystery of the haunted house!
✔️Get the whole game for free!
✔️Available in 7 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian)

About Vincell Studios
Vincell Studios is an indie mobile gaming studio that houses a team of seriously talented artists, designers, animators, and developers. Everyone at heart is a hardcore gamer with a goal to create unique and exciting hidden objects puzzle escape games that draw in players from every milieu and across age groups. Our passion for adventure and mystery escape games speaks through the compelling story lines, fascinating visuals and extraordinary hidden objects puzzles that we labor over and create.

VISIT US: http://vincellstudios.com/
Write to us at [email protected] in case of any queries. We are happy to help!

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vincellstudios.games
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StudiosVincell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hidden_escape_games
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTF62WRy9GGTyhi5pcDU1Mg
업데이트 날짜
2024. 10. 18.

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리뷰 168개

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