Office App - Word, DOCX, PDF

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 12.5만개
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앱 정보

Docx Editor - Document Viewer & Reader - 2024 is a swift means of reading and editing Word documents such as Doc, Docx, PDFs, XLS, XLSX, and PPT formats on your device. It offers comprehensive support for viewing and editing all files. Conveniently browse through your Word documents, be it Doc, Docx, Xls, word, PPT, PDFs, or text files, all from one intuitive platform.
⭐ While offering the capability to read and edit any word file, the app also facilitates seamless conversion between formats such as .docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, txt, image, and others to PDF. Additionally, it enables the conversion of PDFs to Docx Word file format.📚
⭐ With advanced features tailored for text editing, users can easily highlight, annotate, draw, organize, and convert within the Docx Editor app. Beyond serving as a PDF reader and docx word file viewer, it encompasses features akin to a suite application.


📑 Simple Interface: Utilize a simple and elegant document reader screen to peruse word documents in various formats such as docx, doc, xls, xlsx, ppt, or PDF, complete with essential controls.
🎯 Easy Navigation: Seamlessly navigate through files and word documents with essential features like page selection and viewing.
📚 File Management: Access all DOCX, XLS, xlsx, PDF, and PPT files on your device from a single location, streamlining file organization.
🔍 Quick Search: Effortlessly locate desired Word documents using the straightforward search option.
🛠️ Essential Options: Enjoy essential options such as renaming, deleting, and sharing within the docx viewer.

📘 Word Document Handling: Read, edit, and create Word documents with ease, whether online or offline. Edit text, annotate, change font styles, sizes, and types, convert to PDF, search for text, and share via email or messaging apps. Support for various document formats such as docx, docs, docm, dot, and doc is included.

📕 PDF Reader: In addition to Word documents, the Docx Editor serves as a comprehensive PDF reader, facilitating easy viewing and management of PDF documents.

📗 XLSX/XLS Viewer: Access and edit spreadsheets seamlessly within a unified platform. Perform data analysis, and calculations, and even convert XLS files to PDF format. Share edited XLS sheets effortlessly.

📙 PPT Viewer & Editor: Utilize the app for PPT presentations, offering capabilities for text editing, image insertion, highlighting, drawing, and conversion to PDF. Print and share presentation slides hassle-free.

⭐ Additional Features:

Detailed file information for doc/docx, pdf, xlsx, ppt files.
Sorting options for Word documents by name, date, and size.
Convenient features such as list refreshing, renaming, and a recent tab for quick word document access.
Word Document search and bookmark functionalities.
Download the Docx editor app - PDF, XLSX, PPTX, DOC, DOCX today to experience seamless document reading and editing.

Please note that this app is independent and not affiliated with any other brand.
The Docx Editor app is a product of Apps by A1, a venture of Rhophi Analytics LLP.

Our team continually strives to enhance your user experience. Your feedback is invaluable to us.
Contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 13.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 12.2만개
2024년 1월 28일
한글파일 안열려요. 한글파일 수정하려고 구독했는데 이게 뭔가요. 구독취소도 불편. 대체 어떤 경로로 취소 가능한지 도저히 알수없고, 이메일도 묵묵부답. 쓰레기어플
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이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 9월 29일
pdf 변경 기능도 있어서 너무 편리해여!!!
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이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2023년 4월 28일
공식 한글 어플인줄 깔았는데 한글파일 안열려요. 그리고 앱 깔고 열자마자 시작도 전에 광고나오고 켜지자마자 또 광고열리고 결제창 뜬다음 또 광고나와서 걍 삭제합니다. 이런 낚시 어플은 또 처음이네요. 어처구니가 없네.
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