GPS Location Tracker For Kids

인앱 구매
리뷰 8.06만개
콘텐츠 등급
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앱 정보

Our GPS tracker is a powerful family locator designed to ensure location tracking, safety and security of your children. With our advanced features and intuitive interface, you can find kids and have peace of mind knowing your child's whereabouts are always within reach.

Key Features:

Real-time Location Tracker: Track a cell phone in real-time on a detailed map. Find kids, stay informed about their GPS location and ensure their safety, whether they're at school, outdoors, or on a family trip.

Geofence Notifications: Set up safe zones in the family locator app and receive instant notifications when your child enters or exits designated areas. Create custom geofences for home, school, or any other important places in our GPS tracker app to get peace of mind knowing they are in a safe environment.

Sound Around: Listen in to your child's surroundings with our innovative Sound Around feature. Stay connected and be aware of their immediate environment, providing an extra layer of security during outdoor activities or when they're away from home. Our cell phone tracker will provide you with the data you need.

SOS Button inside a GPS tracker: In case of emergencies, your kids can simply press the SOS Button in the app, sending an immediate alert to your device. You will get a GPS location and will be able to find kids and help them if needed.

GPS History: Access a comprehensive history of your child's geoposition data, allowing you to review their past movements and track their activity patterns. Gain valuable insights into their routines and ensure their safety wherever they go with our GPS Tracker. Track a cell phone of your kiddo.

Offline Tracking: Your child has no Internet connection? Don’t worry! Our app continues kid’s location tracking even if it’s off. Our offline tracking feature ensures uninterrupted monitoring, giving you peace of mind in any situation. All you have to do is to locate your child!

Our GPS phone tracker is designed with a strong emphasis on data privacy and security. We prioritize the protection of your personal information and adhere to the highest standards of data encryption.

The app requires the following access:
- to the camera and photos - for the child’s avatar
- to contacts - for the choice of a phone number when setting up the GPS watch
- to the microphone -to send voice messages in the chat
- push notifications - for notifications about your child’s movements and new chat messages

Empower yourself with the family locator app, the tool you need to keep your child safe and secure. Stay connected, track their movements, and be there for them whenever they need you.

Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can significantly decrease battery life. We recommend configuring the app settings for optimal battery usage.

Remember, your child's safety is our top priority. Get GPS Location Tracker For Kids and gain peace of mind knowing you're always connected to your child's well-being.

You can familiarise yourself with our documents:
- User Agreement -
- Privacy Policy -

For any suggestions and questions about our location tracking app write to support or explore our website
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 11.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 8.02만개
2024년 11월 11일
위치추적이 요즘 부정확해요! 너무 틀려요! 빨리개선해주세요 아이가 움직인 위치를 확인하려하면 자꾸 꺼지는데 이거빨리수정해주세요!
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 8월 28일
돈만버림 ㅠ 무조건 정기결제 해야되는 서비스!근데 또 게임정지등 여러가지 사용하려고하면 추가결제해야됨 ㅠ 문의하기등은 모두 영어로 되어있어 결국 5분있다 취소했는데 1년뒤에 취소된다고함 ㅋㅋ어이없어 결국환불은못받고 1년동안사용해야됨 별루임
사용자 9명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
2024년 9월 12일
완젼 엉터리에요. 일부러 유료결제했구만은 앱은 쉽게쉽게 삭제되고.. 앱사용관리는 다른앱깔아서 하라하고.. 애가 협조안하면 무용지물이네요. 이런걸 비싼돈주고..ㅜ.ㅜ 결제하면 환불도 절대안된다하네요. 문제점을 해결할생각은없고.. 배째라하네요.ㅡㅡ
사용자 6명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?