Toddler Drawing Games For Kids

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 1.17천개
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스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지

게임 소개

Ignite Your Little Artist's Creativity with Kids Drawing Games for Toddlers!

Get ready for hours of fun and learning with over 400 unique coloring and painting activities! We present to you the perfect collection of preschool games to encourage creativity and develop fine motor skills in children ages 1-7.

Let your toddler explore a vibrant world of color! With a huge variety of themes, from majestic dinosaurs and cool robots to speedy cars, adorable animals, soaring birds, heroic superheroes, and delicious fruits, there's something to capture every child's imagination.

What’s inside:

✦ Simple and basic interface: Kids can learn to draw, color, and paint with just a few taps and finger swipes using their favorite tools – pencil, marker, crayon, or paint brushes.

✦ Unlimited creative possibilities: Explore a wide range of tools and bring countless pages to life with vibrant colors.

✦ Endless fun and learning: Keep your child engaged with new and exciting drawing and painting activities with parallel learning like understanding counting and learning abc.

✦ Explore multiple categories including neon drawing and coloring.

Features you’ll love:

✦ Cute animals like a cat, dog, butterfly, elephant, and monkey along with Trex and Spinosaurus from the Dinosaur Category.

✦ Enjoy profession based characters like a nurse, doctor, police, baker, & ballet dancer in addition to an astronaut, a planet, rocket, and an ufo from the Space Category.

✦ Fruits Category includes apple, avocado, mango, & orange accompanied by edibles like a cake slice, pancake, lollipop, and a chocolate bar.

✦ Transport Machines like a car, a truck, airplane, & a helicopter besides toys like a ball, lego blocks, a fan, & teddy are some of the prominent attractions.

Safe and Secure:

✦ Designed for families with a Parental Gate option.

✦ Compliant with the global and Google Play Policies on Child Safety and COPPA guidelines.

Whether you have a boy or a girl, with just a single press of the finger, start your epic drawing and coloring journey!


Visit our page for more toddler games and we eagerly await your feedback:

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업데이트 날짜
2024. 8. 21.

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2024년 7월 26일
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