Journey: Diary, Journal

Апп доторх худалдан авалт
92.7 мянга шүүмж
1 сая+
Контентын үнэлгээ
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Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
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Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг

Энэ аппын тухай

Join millions of Journey users, from all walks of life, to embark on your unique life journey towards a deeper gratitude for life, better health, and a calmer mind through journaling in Journey diary.

Capture Beautiful Memories
Capture both moments & memories with photos, videos or audios that you can look back on in the future and remember the events that happened that day.

Create Stunning Journal Entries
Explore a variety of journaling & note-taking tools in Journey's diary editor. Change the paragraph style, stylize your text with bold, italics and strikethrough, organize your writing with bullets, tables, and checklists, and play around with text color.

Throwback to Your Happiest Moments
Get notified and look back at your best memories and your journal entries from a week, a month, or even a year or two ago.

Tend To Your Emotions With Mood-Tracking
Take note of your feelings while journaling, and keep track of how your mood fluctuates across your journal entries. View how your mood shifts across 30 days in your stories.

Shared Journal^
Collaborate and create cherished memories with your loved ones, family members, or even friends on an unforgettable journey together.

End-to-End Encryption^
Enjoy unparalleled peace of mind with end-to-end encryption†. Safeguard your personal moments & memories and ensure your privacy remains intact throughout its journey to the cloud.

Private & Secure Space
Set up a passcode and Android Biometric to keep your journal & diary entries private and secure.

Power Up Your Journal With Plugins
Power up your journaling routine with an extensive range of journal plugins. Explore functions such as exporting to DOCX & PDF, adding images & media, and blog publishing on Journey.

Journal Coach & Templates
Breeze through journaling with more than 60 curated journaling programs from topics such as self-confidence, boundary making, and practicing mindfulness. Kick-start your reflections with templates that have thought-provoking prompts and questions.

Create Custom Templates
Take charge of your journaling by creating custom templates that suit your needs. Create, duplicate, and delete custom templates at your convenience.

Other Features:
⁃ Cloud sync
- View entries in the calendar, photos, videos, and on a map
- 14 Color themes
⁃ Passcode and fingerprint lock
⁃ Available on mobile, desktop and web
- Add weather & location to entry
⁃ View entries in timeline, calendar, map
⁃ Advanced search: Activity, mood, favorites
- Interlink notes
⁃ Compose entries via email
- Zapier integration
- Publish to blogs
- Daily journal reminder

To learn about Journey, please visit this page:
Шинэчилсэн огноо
2024 оны 10-р сарын 24

Өгөгдлийн аюулгүй байдал

Аюулгүй байдал нь хөгжүүлэгчид таны өгөгдлийг хэрхэн цуглуулж, хуваалцдаг болохыг ойлгохоос эхэлнэ. Өгөгдлийн нууцлал болон аюулгүй байдлын практик нь таны хэрэглээ, бүс нутаг болон наснаас хамаарч харилцан адилгүй байж болно. Хөгжүүлэгч энэ мэдээллийг өгсөн бөгөөд үүнийг цаг хугацааны явцад шинэчилж болно.
Энэ апп эдгээр өгөгдлийн төрлийг гуравдагч талтай хуваалцаж магадгүй
Аппын үйл ажиллагаа, Төхөөрөмж эсвэл бусад ID
Энэ апп эдгээр төрлийн өгөгдлийг цуглуулж магадгүй
Байршил, Хувийн мэдээлэл болон өөр 5
Өгөгдлийг дамжуулах явцад шифрлэдэг
Та өгөгдөл устгах хүсэлт тавих боломжтой

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

87.5 мянга шүүмж

Шинэ юм юу байна

Thanks for using Journey!
* Navigate between journals using the toolbar.
* Redesigned Passcode page.
* Media Files: Upload up to 4 or 20 mixed media files per entry.
* Gallery: Redesigned photo and video picker.
* Photo Picker: Select photos or videos from Android Photo Picker.
* Atlas: Fixed crash caused by thumbnail.

If you have any feedback regarding this update, please head to the forum at or write to us at [email protected].