Rewire: Transfer Money Abroad

5.54 мянга шүүмж
500 мянга+
Контентын үнэлгээ
Бүх насныханд
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг
Дэлгэцээс дарсан зураг

Энэ аппын тухай

Trusted by more than 5 million immigrants worldwide, Rewire allows you to send money abroad to your loved ones with a simple and fast app installed on your smartphone.

With the #1 app for international money transfers, you can easily send money back home. Customers can choose to fund their Rewire by Remitly account online via credit card or wire transfer, or by physically going to one of the +1,000 deposit points spread across Israel and depositing cash into their account with the help of the staff. You can then send the money in your account to your family back home with a few simple screen taps.

Rewire by Remitly offers customer support 7 days a week, no hidden fees, and an app that is available in 12 languages, including Thai, Chinese, Filipino, Ukrainian, Russian, and Romanian. Thus, tracking and managing your money is now easier than ever before.

Open an account for free to start sending money home with security, transparency, and special exchange rates.

When you work in Israel but care for your family back home, you need Rewire by Remitly’s online financial services platform.

Join Rewire by Remitly’s digital revolution and enjoy the following:

• 2 fee-free money transfers: After using your 2 fee-free money transfers, you also have year-round promotions bringing discounted fees and many other benefits.
• Support in your language, 7 days a week:
Rewire by Remitly’s community managers and customer support speak English, Filipino, Chinese, Thai, Russian, French, and many more.
• Rewire by Remitly’s app is available in your native language; once you install the app, you can choose between 12 language options.

Rewire by Remitly’s services include:
• Competitive market rates and the safest way to send money home
• Money transfers from Israel to the Philippines, China, Thailand, India, Moldova, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, and more.
• Receive your salary in Shekels directly into your Rewire by Remitly account, make purchases using your Rewire Card, and send international money transfers from the comfort of your home.

Check some of the services and countries you can send money to with Rewire by Remitly:

• Rewire by Remitly app in Filipino and English.
• Make money transfers to the top Filipino banks, such as Banco de Oro, Bank of the Philippine Islands, Metrobank, and others.
• Send money to GCash and mobile wallets.
• Pay SSS online with Rewire by Remitly in just a few simple screen taps.

• Rewire by Remitly app in Thai and English.
• Send funds to some of the top banks in Thailand, including Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Kasikorn bank, and many more.
• Enjoy Rewire by Remitly’s customer support in Thai and English.

• Rewire by Remitly app in Chinese and English.
• Send funds to some of the top banks in China, like Bank of China and UnionPay.
• Make money transfers to Alipay accounts.
• Enjoy Rewire by Remitly’s customer support in your language.

• Make money transfers to top Indian banks such as State Bank of India, Federal Bank, HDFC Bank, and others.
• Send money to India through UPI - 90% of the transfers are completed within minutes.

• Make money transfers to the leading Moldovan banks like MAIB, Energbank, Moldindconbank, Victoria Bank, Comertbank, FinComBank, and others.
• Send money with the Rewire by Remitly app in Russian, Romanian, and English.
• Enjoy Rewire by Remitly’s customer support in Russian and English.
• Send money from Israel to Moldova and have the receiver collect the money already in Euro.

Rewire by Remitly, 1 Walter Moses, 6789923, Tel Aviv, Israel
Шинэчилсэн огноо
2024 оны 11-р сарын 25

Өгөгдлийн аюулгүй байдал

Аюулгүй байдал нь хөгжүүлэгчид таны өгөгдлийг хэрхэн цуглуулж, хуваалцдаг болохыг ойлгохоос эхэлнэ. Өгөгдлийн нууцлал болон аюулгүй байдлын практик нь таны хэрэглээ, бүс нутаг болон наснаас хамаарч харилцан адилгүй байж болно. Хөгжүүлэгч энэ мэдээллийг өгсөн бөгөөд үүнийг цаг хугацааны явцад шинэчилж болно.
Энэ апп эдгээр өгөгдлийн төрлийг гуравдагч талтай хуваалцаж магадгүй
Хувийн мэдээлэл, Зураг, видео болон өөр 2
Энэ апп эдгээр төрлийн өгөгдлийг цуглуулж магадгүй
Байршил, Хувийн мэдээлэл болон өөр 4
Өгөгдлийг дамжуулах явцад шифрлэдэг
Та өгөгдөл устгах хүсэлт тавих боломжтой

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

5.46 мянга шүүмж

Шинэ юм юу байна

∙ New! You can now send money to over 85 countries worldwide with Rewire
∙ Bug Fixes: We've fixed bugs to make your app experience smoother and more reliable.