Sleep Monitor: Sleep Tracker

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Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran

Despre aplicație

How did you sleep last night? 🌛

Sleep Monitor helps you track and record sleep cycle details. Sleep Monitor also has a smart alarm clock to remind you to sleep early at night and wake you up gently in the morning. In addition, Sleep Monitor provides relaxing sleep music to help you sleep better.

Key Features:
📊- New Feature: Sleep Trends
Improve sleep quality and develop better sleep habits with weekly and monthly data statistics.

🎙- Record Snoring or Dream Talking
Sleep Monitor will record snoring and grinding sounds made during your sleep, listen to them, and find more about your sleep the next morning! For fun!

💤- Mark Your Sleep Habits
If you drink, eat, exercise, have any pathological condition or depressed emotions before sleep, see how these slumber habits can impact your sleep.

📲- Track Your Sleep Phases
Sleepers will have 4 or 5 sleep cycles during the night. Usually, sleepers will pass four sleep stages in one sleep cycle: Non-REM 1(between waking and sleep), Non-REM 2(light sleep), Non-REM 3(deep sleep), and REM (Rapid Eye Movement, when most dreaming happens) sleep. These stages progress cyclically from 1 through REM then begin again with stage 1. A complete sleep cycle takes an average of 90 to 110 minutes, with each stage lasting between 5 to 25 minutes.

Sleep Monitor uses both microphone and accelerator sensors to measure body movements and environmental noise changes and then recognize your sleep stages.

📈- Get Your Sleep Score
Sleep Monitor will generate useful information for you after tracking, like sleep score, sleep cycle graphic, sleep statistics, sleep noise audios. Get your daily, weekly, or monthly sleep insights and use those data to help you sleep better. Sleep Monitor is especially helpful for those who want a way to check how their sleep is, and do not want to invest in an accessory like a smart band or smartwatch.

⏰ - Set Smart Alarm Clock
Set an alarm for your morning wake-up or nap or set a reminder for bedtime.

🎵- Listen to Soothing Lullabies
Suffering from insomnia? Listen to high-quality relaxing music to calm a racing mind before sleep. Fall asleep quickly with different kinds of sleep sounds.

✍ - Write Sleep Notes
Take brief notes for your sleep. Write down anything you want so you will never forget about them.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Sleep Monitor Target Group
- People who are suffering from insomnia, a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
- People who want to do self-diagnosis whether there are signs of poor sleep quality.
- People who care about sleep quality

📲App Working Requirements
√ Place your Android phone near your pillow or bed
√ Sleep alone to eliminate interference
√ Make sure the battery is enough

🏳️‍🌈Language Support
English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Finnish, Italian, Hungarian, Slovak, Greek, Bulgarian, Czech, Catalan, Danish, Romanian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Persian, Russian, Ukrainian, Breton, Lithuanian, Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese

📝 About Sleep Records Saving
Sleep Monitor free version users can save the latest 7 sleep records on the phone; Sleep Monitor pro version users can save up to 30 latest sleep records in the app side and backup all history records on the server-side for later checking.

🔐 Enjoy Sleep Monitor Pro
√ Customize sleep factors
√ Download audio recordings
√ Save 30 and backup all sleep records
√ Unlock all sleep music, sleep notes, sleep trends
√ No ads


Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, cool. Feel relaxed before sleep.
Hope you sleep like a baby!
Ultima actualizare
20 nov. 2024

Siguranța datelor

Siguranța începe cu înțelegerea modului în care dezvoltatorii îți colectează și trimit datele. Practicile de securitate și confidențialitate a datelor pot varia în funcție de modul de utilizare, de regiune și de vârsta ta. Dezvoltatorul a oferit aceste informații și le poate actualiza în timp.
Aplicația poate trimite terților următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Informații cu caracter personal și încă 9
Aplicația poate colecta următoarele tipuri de date
Locație, Informații cu caracter personal și încă 4
Datele sunt criptate în timpul transmiterii
Datele nu pot fi șterse

Evaluări și recenzii

89,8 K de recenzii
Laura H
24 noiembrie 2024
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22 noiembrie 2024
Interesantă aplicatia
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alexandru mihai condac
15 noiembrie 2024
trebuie să plătești la tot
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Fasting APP Group
15 noiembrie 2024
Stimate utilizator, scuze pentru inconvenient. Sperăm din suflet să încercați Sleep Monitor Pro. Dacă aveți întrebări despre versiunea de încercare gratuită, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la [email protected]. Personalul de asistență vă va îndeplini nevoile și așteaptă cu nerăbdare să vă câștige ratingul de cinci stele.


We are thrilled to announce that the latest version of Sleep Monitor is now available;
In the new version, we have made a major update to the alarm function and launched the smart alarm function. We have also fixed known bugs to ensure that you get a better sleep tracking experience.
Download the latest version and start enjoying an improved sleep quality monitoring experience!