Toddler Piano and Music Games

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Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
Captură de ecran
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Despre joc

Welcome to Baby Piano Kids Music Game, where learning music is a fun adventure for both kids and parents! Play colorful instruments and learn music using your fingers on your phone or tablet. The app is like a magic box of music!

Watch as your child discovers the magic of kids music rhymes through playful tapping on their very own virtual piano. As this game explores and creates tunes, kids' musical talents will blossom. Give your little one the gift of music education wrapped in endless fun – Kid's Piano Playland awaits!

What are the advantages of music for children?

- Increase essential cognitive skills such as focus and memory
- Help to improve attention and concentration
- Help to improve the creativity and imagination of children
- Increase Hand-Eye coordination and listening skills

Piano Kids not only enhance musical abilities but also contribute to the development of logical thinking through Mini-games.

All users can engage in playing and have fun discovering a variety of sounds, including animals, characters, spaceships, transports, & robots. Furthermore, the app lets your child learn and have fun with mini-games, making learning even more enjoyable.


- Experience high-quality virtual musical instruments
- Appealing piano sound effects will make your toddler want to have more fun
- Autoplay button to play the songs
- Very simple and User-Friendly interface
- Engaging Animations & Voice Overs


Experience the piano play in different themes like City, Nik Naks fun, Boat roving, Vegetable farm, Cars over the bridge, Monkey dance, and Star space.

Play the Electric guitar, Drums, Classic guitar, Bells, Trumpet, Accordion, Tuba, and Rattles. Each instrument makes amazing sounds. You can use your imagination to create your own tunes with these instruments.

Kids get to know the sounds and learn to recognize them. They can explore and identify the different sounds of objects including Animals, Characters, Spaceships, Transports, & Robots.

Mini Games
Enjoy games that make learning fun for kids. Match colors, Solve puzzles, Play memory games, Panda maze, Daily hygiene habits (teeth brush & bath), Dress up, Tap the Fish, and much more.

Help Fluffy Panda, Bear, Lovely Cat, Baby Boy, and Cute Girl have sweet dreams by playing soft lullabies. Create a cozy bedtime for each friend, so they sleep well and dream happily. Take care they have enough sleep to get up and play games again.

You can build your underwater world by dragging and dropping different sea creatures. Each fish makes its own experience, creating a relaxing musical experience. Explore, create, and enjoy the soothing music in this fun game mode!
Ultima actualizare
8 aug. 2024

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