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Great app. Funny pictures illustrating how the baby grows, cute little
speach bubbles from the baby, advice for the parents and summaries of how
the mom kight be affected in the different weeks of pregnancy, and a great
way for the mom to keep sort of a diary of the pregnancy. I recommend this
app to all new parents!
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It'a funny and cute app, but why is there only one race of babies and parents (White) to choose? We live in 2017 - it does not have to be like this one bit. The app keeps referring to the baby's skin as "pinkish" and the mom and dad are as White as they can get. Lots (if not most in the world) of kids and parents are of color and the app could easily recognise them too just by giving the user the opportunity to choose when the app is used for the first time. It's also a very heteronormative app for no reason. There could easily be a third choice alongside "mom" and "dad", maybe "partner"? Both these changes would be easy ways to make this cute app more inclusive and ultimately better and cuter!
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