Acrostic Crossword Puzzles

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Acrostic puzzles, also known as Anacrostics and Double-Crostics, are like crossword puzzles with a bonus prize. The app includes 50 quality puzzles from Acrostica, Acrostics by Cyn, Lovatts, PuzzlesPenny Press and Puzzle Baron. Your goal is to reveal a hidden quote in a grid by correctly answering crossword-style clues. This combination of crossword and cryptogram will stretch your brain with an entertaining workout. Each letter in the quote is linked to a letter in one of the clue answers. As you fill in more and more answers, more letters will begin to fill the quote grid, until eventually the entire quote is revealed. You can also do this in reverse. As words of the quote become clear, they will fill in the clue answers!

Designed for fast and easy play, Acrostic Crossword Puzzles lets you concentrate on solving the clues without all the erasing of pencil and paper solving. The result is pure puzzle solving fun with no ads or distractions!

Advanced play features include automatic grid updating and indexing, see related cells, multi-level undo, remove errors, and hints. A wide range of difficulty levels will challenge beginners and seasoned players alike.

Acrostic Crossword Puzzles includes more than 50 additional puzzle packs available for purchase, each for about the price of a mocha java caramel swirl Frappuccino. Pick your favorite publisher or try something different. These will provide HOURS and HOURS of fun!

If you like word games, crosswords or cryptograms, acrostic puzzles are a fun way to exercise your brain!

Quality Software by Egghead Games. Contact us at [email protected] or We stand by our products and will happily refund your purchase if you’re not completely happy.

This app contains puzzles licensed from:,,, and
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-iyl, 2024

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324 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Six new Penny Dell Volumes. A new design for the "Congrats" page that doesn't truncate long quotes and shows your timings more clearly along with other statistics. These can all be disabled if you prefer a more zen-like playing experience.

Contact us anytime with questions or suggestions. We love to hear from you! Email: [email protected].

Cheers, Michael & the Egghead Games team