Halloween Swipe - Match-3

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461 ta sharh
50 ming+
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This must be the most awesome Halloween matching game of the year! If you like connect and match games, Halloween Swipe is a must have! No lives to lose and no friend spamming required to progress. Just lots of challenging levels of relaxed carved pumpkin swiping fun.

With various level goals like unchaining the pumpkins, freeing the friendly ghosts, removing the overgrowing weeds or connecting really long chains, this game will never get boring. And if you need some help, there are some really spooky powerups like witches, toads and spiders! Play every day to get free coins or powerups!

Discover the spooky witchy world where the jack-o'-lanterns have to be linked together and connected to match and collect them. Play trick or treat with the ghosts, ghouls and witches of the town, and have a blast with the tasty sweet candy and toys you get! It's a tale of monsters and witchcraft, a quest in and around the haunted house.

When linking the funny pumpkins becomes hard, there are powerful boosters available like the creepy spiders, explosive pumpkins, poisonous toads, scary plants coming alive and of course the witch flying on her broomstick.

This Halloween holiday you'll have a lot of fun trying to win the hundreds of challenging levels in this casual and relaxing match 3 puzzle game! Give Halloween Swipe a try, and start swiping now!

For more match-3 goodness, go to https://www.facebook.com/SmileyGamer
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-okt, 2023

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