Music Theory Companion

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Music theory is very important while composing any song. This music theory helper app is for all the musicians who are interested in studying scales, chords, alternative chords, circle of fifths, voice leading, modulations or key change etc. and apply them in their compositions. Music Theory Companion is a quick reference for scales and chords useful for the musicians and composers for finding out new innovative chord progressions while songwriting. This is also a guitar chords app which is very useful for learning guitar chords.

Please, contact us if you find any problems with the app, or you want to suggest any new features or simply want to give us some feedback!


āœ… Scales & Chords ā†’ 86 unique heptatonic scales/modes and their diatonic triads/seventh-chords formation
āœ… Matching Chords ā†’ Shows alternate chords that can be played for any note of any scale
āœ… Matching Scales ā†’ Shows all possible alternative scales those can be played with any scale
āœ… Circle of Fifths (or Circle of Fourths) ā†’ For all the scales
āœ… Cube Dance ā†’ Guide to voice leading based on the Neo-Riemannian theory
āœ… Intervals ā†’ Ear training of intervals for all keys
āœ… Chord Library ā†’ Chord library with 1000+ chords and also shows chord construction
āœ… Modulations ā†’ Different chord progression options to smooth key change
āœ… Scale Practice ā†’ Pitch detector to practice all the scales with guitar, piano or vocal
āœ… Metronome ā†’ With perfect timing and different configurable sounds
āœ… Piano ā†’ A very realistic piano keyboard with different instrument sounds
āœ… Symbols ā†’ Quick online handy reference for musical symbols
āœ… Reference ā†’ Huge collection of online music theory reference
āœ… Left-handed & right-handed realistic guitar fretboard
āœ… Supports both sharp (#) and flat (b) notes for root
āœ… Supports Clockwise and anticlockwise directions for circle of fifths
āœ… Option to show both triads and 7th chords in circle of fifths
āœ… Play guitar chords or piano chords in sync with the metronome ticks


This app can be used for following purposes:

āœ… Music Composing ā†’ This app can be used by the music composers. It can help finding out basic and advanced chords that can be applied on any scale or mode.
āœ… Music Theory study ā†’ This music theory app can be used to study scales and chords for almost all available heptatonic scales and modes. This app contains many music theories articles and it can be used as a music theory free book.
āœ… Circle of Fifths ā†’ The Circle of fifths for all the scales and modes with triad and seventh chords. This is the most used musical tool.
āœ… Chord Finder ā†’ All possible chords for all the available scales and modes can be found.
āœ… Chord Progressions ā†’ Using the Circle of Fifths tool, chord progressions can be derived for the available scales and modes.
āœ… Modulation or Key Change ā†’ Different options for key change can be found using the Modulations tool.
āœ… Voice Leading ā†’ Using the Cube Dance tool, different voice leading options can be tried.
āœ… Guitar Chords / Piano Chords ā†’ All available chords are shown in guitar fretboard and piano keyboard.
āœ… A Vocal Training app for vocal training for singers using the Scale Practice tool.
āœ… Ear training for the musicians using the Intervals tool. Ear tuning is as important as learning scales or chords.
āœ… Scales and Chords ā†’ Wide list of scales for guitar, piano and vocal are available in this app.
āœ… Metronome beats for guitar, Drum set, Piano, vocal practices. The metronome in this app is very accurate in maintaining timing.

This is a piano chords learning app and piano chord finder to help you learn scales, learn music theory and guitar chords. It has a metronome tool too that eliminates need for any other metronome app for your practice.


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Oxirgi yangilanish
17-avg, 2024

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2,01Ā ming ta sharh
Gulnoza Mahkamova
20-may, 2023
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Version 5.0.4

Weā€™re excited to introduce the latest update to our app! Hereā€™s whatā€™s new:

āœ”ļø Reduced amount of advertisements
āœ”ļø Enhanced User Interface
āœ”ļø Fixed few bugs
āœ”ļø Made home screen button colors back to original

Update now to enjoy these improvements!