RoutineFlow: Routine for ADHD

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RoutineFlow is an ADHD planner and organizer that puts your success on autopilot by building a consistent daily routine with you. With this routine timer you can not only create a morning routine but organize your schedule for the entire week.

See for yourself using a smart routine timer can be a game-changer for managing ADHD or autism. Five reasons for why you should use an ADHD planner:

1. Get more done by tracking your routine every day
2. Establish powerful routines that stick even if you have ADHD as an adult
3. Wake up excited by having a morning routine
4. Stop ADHD procrastination with guided routine playlists
5. Having an ADHD planner helps you stay on track for your routine

Create a routine with a timer for each task. Quickly enter flow state or ADHD hyperfocus and get in the zone while completing your morning routine. If you are doing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), RoutineFlow is useful for establishing a simple routine.

According to Atomic Habits, routines are context dependent, especially if you have ADHD. That’s why RoutineFlow helps you build on existing good habits and overwrites bad habits by setting a context for each routine. You always know what’s happening before your routine, which is really important for your focus.
This is even more true if you have problems as an adult with ADHD without a planner for your daily habits.

To help neurodivergent folks or those with ADHD & autism, we also gamify the process of completing a routine by using an immersive timer, so you can challenge yourself to race the clock.

When starting to use this app for building a routine to manage ADHD or to manage autism, there are tons of templates available, like a morning routine or a study routine. Tailored ADHD routines are planned for the future. Choose one of the templates or start from scratch by creating a custom routine.

-AI Task Breakdown for ADHD and autism
-A beautiful visual ADHD planner for your week
-Track every habit or routine you have
-Create multi-step habits, for example a morning routine
-Beat ADHD adult related problems with gamification
-Assign a timer and an emoji to each task
-Get notified whenever it is time to complete a routine
-No more getting distracted even if you have ADHD
-Finish each task laser focused with a timer
-Visualize your habit progress with beautiful statistics
-Analytics for time blindness if you have ADHD
-Clean dark mode

I’m an ADHD solo developer building apps, not a big company. That’s why it’s super motivating for me to hear from you, if you like my ADHD organizer. Simply reach out at [email protected].

If you became more productive, reduced task overwhelm or managed your ADHD or autism better with RoutineFlow, please leave a good review on the Play Store, it really helps me a lot :)
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-okt, 2024

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A few bug fixes and visual improvements.