Breast Feeding. Baby Tracker

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29 ta sharh
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"Breast Feeding. Baby Tracker" is an app that helps you take care of your newborn baby. We will help you track breastfeeding, baby milestones, baby development, and baby schedule. Our newborn tracker allows you to use your smartphone as a baby feeding tracker or baby feed timer, keeping a baby feeding log.

Our baby tracking app is a useful breastfeeding tracker. It helps you keep track of your newborn feeding: breastfeeding, bottle feeding and starting solids.

The main functions of "Breast Feeding. Baby Tracker":
✅ Feeding tracker. Baby breastfeeding tracker helps you understand how long you are feeding your baby.
✅ Baby feeding log. Track bottle feeding, starting solids, and set a feeding schedule.
✅ Baby food tracker. Log what the baby ate, how much he ate, and when.
✅ Baby development app. Our baby development tracker app allows you to record weight and height data to baby journal. Weight and height graphs help you understand that your baby is all right.
✅ Baby sleep tracker. Take care of newborn sleep. Find out baby sleep patterns and sleep regressions.
✅ Baby sleep sounds. Soothing sounds and melodies help your baby fall asleep fast.
✅ Diaper tracker. Monitor diaper change, mark wet or dirty in our diaper log.
✅ Parenting articles: read and share the latest parenting guides, tips, advices. Find out baby milestones and baby leaps.

In the first few months of your baby's life, everything revolves around feeding (breast or bottle), sleeping, and diaper changes. It's complicated. But despite the complexity, you should track baby growth, feeding, and sleep.

It's hard to remember when you were breastfeeding, diapering, or your baby was sleeping. You can use our app as a baby daybook. With our breast-feeding tracker app, you won't forget the last time your baby was fed, had a nap or changed a diaper. It will make your day a lot easier.

Our baby growth tracker helps to keep track of the baby's growth. You could compare your baby’s weight and height with World Health Organization standards. Be sure your child is eating right and developing at a normal pace.

"Breast Feeding. Baby Tracker" is not just a feeding tracker. It is your baby care assistant that helps you understand what to expect first year of your baby’s life. This app will help you enjoy motherhood.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-may, 2022

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Added 0.25 ounce increments