My virtual pet! Animal care

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👨‍🏫Family Games! 🎲Puzzles for toddlers and pets game free for the whole family! ⭐Discover caring for and feeding animals with baby games for preschool kids!⭐

👨‍🏫Family-oriented games My Virtual Pet! ⭐Immerse yourself in the world of taking care of animals: elephant, bunny, zebra, panda, kitten and puppy. Wash animals, feed and grow pets, and meet new fluffy friends in these family games! Our baby games for preschool kids promote the development of empathy through fun animal care!

⭐Pet care games for kids with family activities! This game with feeding animals will immerse you in the world of family adventures. Play and develop responsibility while taking care of animals. But make sure that the virtual pet stays happy and healthy. 👨‍🏫Our family games with virtual kitten and puppy offer hours of fun!


⭐The best family game My Virtual Pet
⭐Positive characters: virtual animals
⭐Baby games for preschool kids
⭐Cats and dogs puzzles for toddlers
⭐Interactive learning with family games
⭐Developing empathy and responsibility
⭐Games and activities for the whole family
⭐Simple family game interface

Feed and grow your virtual pet in our animal care games! 👨‍🏫By playing, children acquire basic skills to take care of their furry friends. Kids can prepare a delicious meal, cure, and wash animals! Our family game is a great start if you're thinking of adopting a pet in the future. Try these pets game free for the whole family now!

⭐You can play our pet care games for kids anywhere! These cats and dogs puzzles for toddlers can help make screen time beneficial. 👨‍🏫Have fun, wash animals, feed and grow your virtual friends! Download this family game and embark on a heartwarming journey of love, care, and learning!

Please note: only part of the content in the screenshots is available in the free version of the app. To gain access to all app content, you need to make an in-app purchase.

👨‍🏫Bini Games was founded in 2012. Today, our team has more than 250 experts. We have created more than 30 applications, including the animal care games My Virtual Pet. ⭐Our pet care games for kids contribute to the joyful development of the little ones. Download this family game now for fun taking care of animals!

If you need help, have questions or just want to say “hi!”, get in touch at:
[email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyn, 2024

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Minor bugs have been fixed. Enjoy the smoother play!

Got any ideas on how to make the app even better? We would be happy to hear from you at [email protected]. Think that we've done a great job? Rate us in the store!