Kids Ocean Animals - Toddlers

Ilova ichida xaridlar
10 ming+
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This educational and entertaining educational app that teaches children/toddlers to recognize animals, articulate and learn spelling along with animal names. We are here to let your loved one learn and improve, making learning a fun experience.

Toddlers Ocean Animals for your kids will team toddlers to solve simple puzzles to increase their skills. After playing they will be given a chance to form words by recognizing letters, which are spelt for them.

We have crafted the Toddlers Ocean Animals application in such a way that interacting with devices can be connected positively to enable your child for a very early learning experience making your child to be at the forefront.

-Play a simple puzzle games
- Animal sounds
- Animations
- Show Animal environment
-Learn letters
-Learn word formation
-Perfect for 2 – 4 year olds
-Premium version
-No ads

Our team of designers and developers create apps that have great value for children, something that they will love and parents trust. We build Apps by studying children to blend the apps into their natural learning and entertaining curves. Toddlers Solar system learning App is the ideal first app for your loved one.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-sen, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

A brand new Ocean Animals game for Toddlers.