Dino Quest is a dinosaur game that emphasizes adventure and exploration gameplay. Tap to dig and collect dinosaur's game items. It's a great adventure game if you like strategy games. Explore until to find rare dinosaur game fossils and improve your dino museum with game items. We have puzzle-solving gameplay collecting different dinosaur game fossils to complete an entire dinosaur to receive adventure game coins (an idle tycoon side loop). A completed adventure game for dino game lovers! Play Dino Quest Now to have a unique experience in terms of dinosaurs games & adventure games. Dinosaur Game Features:
Manage Resources; Explore continents; Tap gameplay; Idle Tycoon side loop; Collect Items
A Dinosaur Game to download on your mobile phone or tablet. The gameplay is simple; you have to tap the screen to simulate a fossil dig. The Adventure game simulation is part of the fun. Idle Tycoon features to buy better dig tools to find rare dinosaur fossils.
Gain game coins to improve your dig tools and museum, to receive even more game soft coins and hard coins. An adventure game that emphasizes exploration and puzzle-solving gameplay. You'll tap to explore and find different dinosaurs. Use a better strategy to find the rarest fossils and build your museum collection. Energy system improvements.
A simulation adventure game attempts to simulate various activities from real-life dino exploration.
Dig: In different prehistoric places to find specials dinosaurs; Explore: It's an adventure game travel for all continents to explore fossils and dinos Upgrade: Make improvements in your dig tools to find even rarest fossils and dinos.
Please note! Dino Quest is a simulation dinosaur video game that is free to play but contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money. But it doesn't interfere in the fun and simple dinosaur game.
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2-okt, 2024
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