Mermaid Evolution: Merge Game

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Pirates has many stories about sea and monsters, but now you can plunge headlong into the world of these creatures. With Mermaid Evolution you will have the evolution of the mermaids in your hands and you can see up close how the princesses of Atlantis behave.

No need to sail the 7 seas to find a siren anymore. All you have to do to get to know the fascinating world of these sea fairies is to drag and drop similar species to merge them into mysterious new mysteries.

From the same creators of the best and most fun evolution games, it's time to know what these species are capable of and their secrets. You will be surprised!


🧜‍ Painting: a new place for supreme beings to laugh at mortal slaves
🧜‍ Instructors: Be smart to catch the impostors who want to steal the mermaid scene!

🧜‍ Drag and join similar mermaids to create new and mysterious mutations
🧜‍ Use mermaid eggs to buy new creatures and earn even more money
🧜‍ You can also play your mermaids frantically to earn more eggs and, of course, money!

🧜‍ Different phases and many species to discover
🧜‍ A fun and surprising story
🧜‍ An unprecedented mix of species evolution dynamics and idle clicker-style games
🧜‍ Doodle style illustration
🧜‍ Discover the possibilities!

No mermaid was injured for the production of this game, only developers

Do they sleep like humans or fish?

Attention! This game is free, but contains items that can be purchased with real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description can also be purchased with real money.

Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2024

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