Jigsaw puzzles for toddlers

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Baby first games! More than 100 animated jigsaw puzzles for kids free! Assemble a puzzle to see cars driving, construction machinery moving.
Children can pop the balloons when the puzzle is completed and get a wonderful collectors’ vehicle for 5 completed puzzles! At the same time the kid will have much fun unwrapping the present which is placed on your child’s personal prize shelf.
Amass a big collection of presents on the personal prize shelf.

All images are colorful real world pictures. They help toddlers explore the world around them and learn to distinguish different object groups. The images are grouped into 15 categories which include more than 100 jigsaw puzzles. The game will help children memorize different elements of surrounding objects, develop attentiveness and brings many hours of fun.

Specially for boys there are excavator games for kids free, puzzles with machinery, cars, trucks, trains in the game. Little admires of construction machinery will like digger, dozer and of course children’s favorite vehicles – ambulance car, fire truck and police car.

Themes of our easy jigsaw puzzle:
- Cars. Little boys will surely like various puzzle-vehicles: car, racing car, jeep, off-roader, limo, pickup, Formula 1 car.
- Construction Machinery. For a little fan of big machinery! In the section: roller, cement truck, dozer, tractor, dump truck, digger.
- Special Purpose Vehicles. If the child likes to play policemen or firefighters then these puzzles are right for them! Here kids can assemble police car, fire truck, ambulance car and also taxi and even a SWAT car!
- Auto-Moto-Bikes. Your toddler can discover different kinds of vehicles. The set consists of bicycle, four-wheeler, little old timer, muscle car, scooter and motorcycle
- Trucks and Buses. Let young learner assemble double-decker, van, ice-cream truck, school-bus, towing vehicle, trailer truck, trailer, dump truck.
- Ships-Planes-Trains. New jigsaw puzzles for toddlers who love to explore! Travel around the world on a sailboat, yacht; by tram, plane, train or take an air-balloon flight.
- Plants. Girls and boys will find out how to identify a tree by its leaves. Here are collected the following trees: chestnut, maple, apple-tree, fur-tree, palm-tree, and oak-tree.
- Animals. Children will learn animals! There’re deer, bear, cow, goat, hedgehog, sheep in our little zoo.
- Living Creatures. For nature lovers! Here are the puzzle pictures of chicken, owl, snail, parrot, ladybug and frog.
- Sea Animals. Take an imaginary dive to the bottom of the ocean and meet its inhabitants: funny octopus, various fish, dolphins and the terror of the sees – shark!
- Fruits-Vegetables. Your child will get to know fruits, vegetables and berries. Pumpkin, strawberry, carrot, cucumber, tomato, apple, banana, beetroot, egg-plant – everything is here!
- Food and Drinks. This yummy set consists of hot-dog, chicken, drinks, water, milk and sandwiches.
- Desserts. For a sweet tooth! Ice-cream, donuts, lollypops, fruit-cocktails, cake, muffins are waiting for you.
- Sights. Take a voyage around the world’s historical monuments like the Eiffel Tower, Coliseum, the Sphinx, the Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal, and Rushmore.
- Houses. What types of the houses are there and what are they consist of? The answer to this question kids will find out from this theme.

Educational puzzle games features for children to enjoy:
- Choose images to complete from a wide collection of themes with multiple colorful jigsaw puzzles in each of them
- Interface and touch controls are specially designed for preschool children
- Nice animations and sounds while assembling a puzzle
- Development of comparison skills, fine motor skills, leadership. Kids get to know modern machinery and just enjoy the game!
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-iyn, 2023

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This version includes bug fixes and performance improvements.