Electrical Calculation PRO

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The Electrical Calculation PRO app is very useful and best app for electrical engineers and electricians. It has many calculations that can help you in your work. This app are used by Electrical engineers and electricians, working on daily basis in the electrical field.

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Main Calculations:
ā€¢ Resistor color code.
ā€¢ Resistor combination.
ā€¢ Inductor combination.
ā€¢ Current.
ā€¢ Voltage.
ā€¢ Resistance.
ā€¢ Active power.
ā€¢ Apparent power.
ā€¢ Reactive power.
ā€¢ Power factor.
ā€¢ Antenna length.
ā€¢ Voltage divider.
ā€¢ Current divider.
ā€¢ Capacitive voltage divider.
ā€¢ Inductive voltage divider.
ā€¢ Joules effects.
ā€¢ Reactance.
ā€¢ Impedance.
ā€¢ Power factor correction.
ā€¢ Capacitor discharge time.
ā€¢ Breaker size.
ā€¢ Cable power loss.
ā€¢ Voltage drop.
ā€¢ Wire size.
ā€¢ Wire length.
ā€¢ Battery size.
ā€¢ LC Resonance.
ā€¢ Current density.
ā€¢ Electrical energy.
ā€¢ Capacitance to reduce voltage.
ā€¢ Copper wire self inductance.
ā€¢ Air core flat spiral inductance.
ā€¢ Grounding strap inductance.
ā€¢ Parallel wire impedance.

Transformer Calculations:
ā€¢ Transformer basic.
ā€¢ Transformer rating.
ā€¢ Eddy current losses.
ā€¢ Hysteresis losses.
ā€¢ Copper losses.
ā€¢ Voltage drop in transformer.
ā€¢ Voltage regulation in transformer.
ā€¢ Transformer efficiency.
ā€¢ Open circuit test.
ā€¢ Short circuit test.

Motor Calculation:
ā€¢ Motor power.
ā€¢ Motor voltage.
ā€¢ Motor current.
ā€¢ Motor efficiency.
ā€¢ Motor power factor.
ā€¢ Motor slip.
ā€¢ Motor speed.
ā€¢ Mator Max torque.
ā€¢ Motor from three phase to single phase.
ā€¢ Capacitor start motor single phase.
ā€¢ Motor starting time.
ā€¢ Motor power of fan.

ā€¢ Current conversion.
ā€¢ Voltage conversion.
ā€¢ Temperature conversion.
ā€¢ Data conversion.
ā€¢ Energy conversion.
ā€¢ Area conversion.
ā€¢ Power conversion.
ā€¢ Volume conversion
ā€¢ Weight conversion.
ā€¢ Work conversion.
ā€¢ Conductivity conversion.
ā€¢ Capacitance conversion.
ā€¢ Linear charge density conversion.
ā€¢ Resistivity conversion.
ā€¢ Moment of inertia conversion.

We appreciate all the feedback from your side. Your suggestions and advice will help us to improve our app. If you have any suggestion about the application then feel free to contact us by email [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-okt, 2023

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