Electricians' Handbook

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19,3 ming ta sharh
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The application contains all those articles and topics which briefly explains the basics of electrical and electronics engineering rules. The application is suitable for professional electricians, amateur, DIYers and for those who are simply interested in this area.

To read this electricians' handbook, you will be able to understand the complexity of the profession of an electrician with the help of many illustrations.

There are 4 main sections in the application:
1. Theory 📘
2. Calculators 🧮
3. Wiring diagrams 💡
4. Quizzes 🕘

📘 Theory: You will learn detailed information on different electrical formulas or electrical equipment and devices that are used and installed in different areas, for example, in a factory, a house or governmental building. We explain the basic theory of electricity written in simple and comprehensive language in this free electrician app. Briefly about electrical voltage, electrical resistance, current, power factor, ground fault, ohm's law, electrical generation and substation, short circuit, short circuit calculation and electrical converter so on. Here you will learn step by step instruction on how to install and repair electrical equipment to become a professional electrician.

🧮 Calculators: You can use various calculators, unit converters and useful tables, electrical calculations free For example Ohm's law calculator, conductor size, voltage drop, power loss in cable, battery life, voltage divider etc. They will help you in providing quick references, accurate calculations. And electrical formulas.

💡 Wiring diagrams: We will teach you about the interacting diagrams for connecting electrical appliances, complete knowledge of electricity equipment for example, connecting different types of switches, sockets, relays and motors. To read these diagrams you will be able to understand how these electrical and electronics engineering apps works.

🕘 Quizzes: We will provide a certain number of quizzes. The purpose of these quizzes is to evaluate the level of your understanding of basic knowledge of electricity and electrical engineering app.

Read this electricians' handbook which is including in one of the best electrical engineering learning app to improve and refresh your knowledge of electrical engineering.

Keep up to date yourself with the top engineering learning application, you will be able to work on many electrical equipment independently, but please always follow the instructions of the professional electricians who are working for you.

Observe and follow strictly electrical wiring lite the electrical safety requirements when working with electrical equipment. Electricity is not visible or audible! Be careful!

We will add more articles and schemes periodically. If you have any suggestion about the application then feel free to contact us by email [email protected].
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-okt, 2024

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Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Voltage drop resistor calculation
Power factor correction calculation
Neutral current calculation
Motor startup current calculation
Resistor for LED calculation
Electrical installation.