Chibi Dolls - Games for Girls

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Chibi doll maker for kids is a learning app for preschoolers of 2 - 5+ year olds. Have fun and learn more how to dress up dolls, create avatars and characters in different styles.
Little girls love playing preschool kids doll dress up games and pick up colorful costumes!
We provide your kid with a huge amount of content to become a cool doll designer. Create super Chibi girls for kids using the variety of dresses, hairdos, accessories, face parts and emotions.
Let the kid make dolls from kids favourite cartoons, movies and anime world. Or fantasize a little and make up her own catchy images playing prek dolls games.
The game is perfect for kindergarten age 2-6 year olds!

Moreover, at the end of the sweet doll princess creation, the toddler can take a photo of it in the cool background then to save pictures in an in-game album of the chibi game.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Features of Chibi dolls games for girls ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

✔️ Customize the random character image in kids games.
✔️ Preschool games subcategories: hairdos, emotions, face parts (mouth, eyes, eyebrows).
✔️ Make a doll and her pair.
✔️ Create and save photos of characters wearing costumes.
✔️ Themed collections for kids with a lot of content.

It's very interesting for your children!
At the age of 3-4 years, this perfectly develops motor skills, and for older children, it will help unleash their creative potential.

👗 Extensive wardrobe for the game character of the chibi doll game for kids
The creating process of Chibi will always be pleasurable for your kids! Do the hair and pick up outfits with accessories playing dress up doll games. Create people and supernatural creatures of baby dress up girls games (angels, devils, butterflies, werewolves, etc.). Let preschoolers define the facial expression and emotions of their character and make it the most lively in baby doll games for kindergarteners!

🔮 Create storylines with dressing games
In our application for little babies your child will develop his fantasy and creativity with changing clothes! Use the special mode for girls to create two Chibi fashion dolls at the same time. Let your child come up with something unique or make two characters from the same or different universes. Place fashion dolls in the game background and create an exciting story.

😁 Smile and say ""cheese"" in beauty games
Play infant clothing games and arrange a photo session for your Chibi characters for kids! Select the colorful background and place childrens Chibi anime dolls on it. In our pre-k dress up girl games for kids from 2-5 years old, the child can capture created heroes with a game photo camera and after that save photos in the in-game portfolio. Show off your fashion games creations to friends in this dollify world!

Bring the most kawaii ideas to play children's beauty girly games with pleasure!

Also, in-app purchases are available in the application, which are made only with the consent of the user.

Read our privacy policy and terms of use:
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-may, 2024

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