Colonize: Transport Tycoon

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7,78 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
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Do you like transport tycoon games as much as we do? Then play Colonize: Transport Tycoon - a unique economic strategy game set in a space setting.

This is a relaxing strategy that will allow you to feel the spirit of freedom of space explorers.

Extract minerals from mines, refine them in factories, and transport resources to the colony to enhance its development. Your planet will grow and thrive to be the envy of all universes.

Build a brilliant fleet of trucks from tanks, dump cars, hoppers and other vehicles.. This will allow you to plunge into the world of unusual space transport of a new era.

All builds and improvements are instant. Transporting goods in real time with no timers or other artificial restrictions.

Discover and explore all the biomes of the planet, enriching and developing a fleet of unique vehicles along the way, which will give you the best strategy game experience.

- Find unique natural resources and create hundreds of different items from them.
- You can create fleet of trucks and power them up to become even more powerful.
- Build a brilliant transport network.
- Lots of amazing vehicles.
- Unique setting and visual style.
- Explore the amazing lands of the wild planet.
- Develop and upgrade dozens buildings in your space colony.
- An unforgettable soundtrack that will allow you to immerse deeper into the atmosphere of the game.

Enjoy this economic strategy, build your space colony and become a transport tycoon! All this in a meditative atmosphere in which you can relax and enjoy the game process!
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyn, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

7,12 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Small bug fixes and improvements.